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The thought of listening to Oliva and Theo going at it like bunnies seemed puke worthy. Come on, there's only so many times you can take condoms before people catch on there's no legs to walk off with.

Thankfully, Anna understood the need to escape from the house. I'd completed a few items on the list, so a little break wasn't going to kill me in the long run. There are only so many things you can do in a night – sacrificing Leighton to the Spider Goddess is one of them.

When I arrive home, I find Theo and Leighton lounged across the couch under the cold breeze of the air conditioner. There's an assortment of food littered across the coffee table along with a chip packet on the couch. The sight of the food makes my stomach rumble with hunger.

I plop onto the couch adjacent to them and grab a large slice of brownie. I quickly take a bit into the side of it and smile, this tastes amazing. Despite the lack of packaging, it makes me curious to know if Theo or Leighton cooked these. I doubt they'd be any good at it.

"Don't eat that," says Theo.

"You're so greedy," I scold as I take another bite.

Theo bursts into laughter and falls onto his side. His controller falls out of his hand and lands on the ground. Leighton doesn't budge, he just looks at the television screen with an intense look. Oh shit, are they baked right now? Is there pot in these brownies? There must be!

I quickly spit the rest of the brownie into my hand, but it doesn't make much of a difference, does it? I've already consumed some of it.

"Don't waste it, Sophie," grumbles Theo. "You might actually like it."

"Dooo it!" encourages Leighton.

"But what-"

"Mum and Dad aren't here, so just enjoy yourself," says Theo.

"Are you sure?" I ask.


Despite their lame attempt to convince me, I take a bite and swallow the brownie. I hate that it's so delicious. I've never been stoned before but it's something I wanted to try, not sure why though. Perhaps to see what the fuss is about. At least I don't need to worry about how I'll get my hands on buying weed since it's been placed on a pink tray right in front of me.

As I eat the brownie, I look around expecting something to happen. Perhaps a dancing unicorn or something spectacular like a space alien invasion. When nothing happens, I rest my back against the couch and look at the ceiling.

I hear the crunching sound of Theo eating barbecue flavoured chips. He crunches the packet and throws it on the table before climbing to his feet.

"I'm going for a nap," Theo announces.

"Bye," I say.

When Theo walks up the stairs, I steal his spot next to Leighton. I grab a cushion and snuggle into the corner of it. Leighton turns to me with a smile on his face.

"How are you feeling?"

"Normal?" I ask.

"Eat another." Leighton points to the tray of brownies.

"Are you sure?" I frown.

"Trust me."

As per instruction, I grab another brownie and quickly eat it. This time around, I feel the effects starting to take place. I stretch across the couch and put my legs across Leighton's lap. Glancing at the ceiling, I smile as my body feels as light as a chicken feather, yet as heavy as a ton of bricks.

"Shit, man." I giggle.

"Do you like it?" asks Leighton.

"So far." I nod my head. "I want nachos, though."

"Come on, let's make some."

Leighton grabs my hand and tugs me to my feet. We walk into the kitchen and he grabs the nacho chips and dip while I grab a bowl. I throw the bag of chips in and shake the jar of sauce over the top before adding some grated cheese. Leighton puts it into the microwave and presses the buttons to get it going.

I attempt to sit on the kitchen bench, but I slip down the cabinets and end up playing on the ground. Leighton tries to pull me to my feet, but I flop onto the ground and giggle. I'm already a lost cause, just leave me to be potato because I ain't moving anywhere! It's a good thing I didn't sacrifice him to the Spider Goddess, I need someone to make me nachos.

"Come on," Leighton says.

"Nope." I giggle.

As he goes to tug on my arm, I tug back. This causes Leighton to fall off balance and crash on the ground beside me. I almost feel bad, but I burst into a fit of laughter. Rolling onto my side, I look at him and smile. He goes to stand up but I don't let him.

In a fluent motion, I wrap my arms around his next and press my lips against his. I expect Leighton to move back, but instead, his lips move against mine in a delicate yet passionate moment. When his lips leave mine, I almost feel lost. I'm surprised when they press against the tender skin on my neck. I draw his mouth back to mine, excitement filling my insides.

"Leighton, I have an idea." I smile.

"What?" He pulls back to look at me.

"I want to have sex with you, complete the next number on my list," I explain.

Leighton jumps back and shakes his head, "I can't sleep with my best friend's sister."

"But Leighton," I call out.

Just like he'd done before, Leighton scrambles to his feet and charges towards the front door. I flop onto the ground and gaze at the ceiling once more. That wasn't the answer I was expecting at all!

Climbing to my feet, I grab the nachos out of the microwave and take a bite out of the chip covered in melted cheese.

Frowning, I place the container on the table and pout. I'd rather be doing something else right now, but I suppose these nacho chips will have to do for now at least.

 I'd rather be doing something else right now, but I suppose these nacho chips will have to do for now at least

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