Of A Chase and Memories

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   2 years later...

    An arrow, poorly made with just a stick tied to a rock that had been sharpened, sails through the trees on a path that it was not originally intended to go.

   Encouraging herself with quiet words as she quickly moved through the densely wooded area, Nevaeh held onto an old crossbow. On her back, strapped to her was an almost empty quiver, it held only two more of the handmade arrows, and she was desperately trying to run from something.

   Behind her, shouts resound through the air. She lurches to the right, hoping to lose them by running in all different directions.

   Twigs stick out from the undergrowth, tripping her ever so often as her worn out boots hit against the ground, she always recovers, yet always runs into other problems as thorns from plants scratch and tear at skin and clothing.

   Her luck was rough though, as the voices seemed to turn as she turned. Nevaeh wished to pull the bright yellow sundress off since it was most likely the object they could see clearly. Of course, then she'd been topless, and her pale skin would give her away as well.

   And, because she was too busy thinking about the clothing items she was wearing, didn't realize that the tree line was thinning, and a slight slope was descending with every step... Until she nearly flies off the edge of a mountain top.

   Nevaeh yells out an exclamation of shock, as she throws out her hands to steady herself, but tipping to the left ever so slightly because of the weight of the crossbow in her left hand.

   The voices grow louder, as once shouts "I see her!"

   She looks this way and that, desperation starting to cloud her eyes as thoughts of despair run their course through an ever pessimistic mind.

   This is it. I'm going to die here. All this was for nothing.

   Still, she holds the crossbow in a defensive manner, and reaches up for one of her remaining arrows, knowing that even if she could manage to take down just one person with her, she could die somewhat accomplished.

   The men catch up, three of them, two of them holding a leash with dogs on them. They all grin in glee and how they trapped the little thief.

   Honestly, all Nevaeh wanted was just a bite to eat, she never really meant any harm by it. But when that one guy grabbed her and said payment was a 'good time'..

   Well, Nevaeh just isn't that type of girl, and she definitely did not like being treated that way. So, with her temper getting the best of her, she hit the man upside the head with her crossbow, knocking him unconscious.

   His friends did not take kindly to that.

   And here she was, faced either with jumping off a side of a cliff, probably to her ultimate and painful demise...

   Or let these guys have their way with her.. Which could lead to the demise of her ego.

   She wasn't going to take chances with the guys, no matter if she had a chance of living afterwards. Nevaeh would never give up to a male.


   So, with a death wish, she loads her crossbow and points it at the first male.

   "Aw, darling, don't be so feisty now. We're just gonna bring you back to our boss, he may have mercy on your sweet and spicy soul."

   Nevaeh rolls her eyes at the sweet talk - and determinedly starts to pull back on the bow.

   "I bet she doesn't even know how to use that thing,"

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