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I woke up to my phone going off. Who is calling me at 8:00 in the morning like seriously.

I picked up my phone and the caller I'd showed a number from my area code.

"Hello"I said into the phone but I said hesitantly. "Yes is this Macey"a male voice said. "Yes it is who is this"I asked.

I could hear laughter in the background. Of course it's a prank call. "It's Patrick Swayze"he said. "How did you get my number "I asked.

"You've been pranked "he said. "Oh my gosh I had no idea"I said in a sarcastic voice.

"This is Tanner, Jake, and Hayes"Tanner said. "You guys are childish like for real"I said.

"No we are not you are now we have more people to prank so good bye "he said and hung up the phone.

I shook my head and got out of bed. Just as i got out of bed my phone vibrated. Only this time it was text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hello
M:who is this
Unknown: Hayes
M: oh hi
H: hi so did you like the prank
M: it was so funny*
H: ik it was we're going down to Laguna later wanna join?
M: yea sounds fun
H: ok Tanner will come get you

I went downstairs and made myself some breakfast. Wyatt still isn't awake yet mom is going to kill me.

He has a dentist appointment today and I'm supposed to take him.

After I'm done eating I wake up Wyatt and tell him to get ready .

"Hey you need to eat and get dressed "I said standing in his doorway.

"Why". "You have a dentist appointment today and Tanner and some other people are going to Laguna today". "Fine".

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, did my makeup and straightened my hair.

I got dressed which was light wash skinny jeans, white adidas shirt, and my adidas superstars.

I grabbed my keys to my jeep. I went to check on Wyatt and luckily he was ready.

"Lets go"I said to him as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

He grabbed his camera and his backpack and we went out the door.

I locked the doors and everything which I usually forget to do.
"How may I help you"the lady at the desk asked. "I'm here to check in Wyatt Whitaker "I said to her.

"Here he is in guessing your his sister Macey "she said pulling up his record. "Yes ma'am"I said.

She directed us where to go and we waited for his name to be called.

"Hey who is Hayes I've never seen him before"I asked Wyatt. "He's one of their friends I've hung out with him a couple of times"he said.
We drive back home and wait to be picked up by Tanner and his amigos.

I sat on the couch and went on my phone. I was snapchatting Luna. We have a streak of 150 days.

I heard the door bell ring so I went to answer it. It was Tanner Jake and Hayes.

"Hi Macey "Tanner said. I smiled and let them in as I went upstairs to get Wyatt.

"Hey there here lets go"I said. I walked downstairs and Tanner and Jake we're both vlogging.

"Ok so right now we're going to Latina with a couple of friends"Tanner said to the camera.

We got in his car and started driving to our destination.

I sat by Hayes and Wyatt. "Do you have a snapchat"I asked Hayes. "Yes I do"he said. "Well what is it"I asked.

"Hayessherr7"he said. "Here you can type it in "I said handing him my phone. "You have a high snapchat score"he said. My snapchat score is 157,500.

"Well I do post on snapchat a lot"I said. "I'm yea too much I swear your stories are like 30 minutes long "Jake said. We all laughed except Tanner.

Usually he laughs a things like this. I've only know him for a day and he laughs a lot which is actually pretty cute.
we pulled up to laguna and I had my swimsuit on underneath my clothes.

We got out of the car and Tanner seems distant from us.

I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"What's wrong with you "I asked. "Nothing "he said being kinda rude. "Ok whatever"I said walking away.

I went back over to Hayes and Jake.
"Hey do you guys know what is wrong with Tanner"I said. "Umm he told me not to tell anyone so sorry"Jake said.

"I have no idea so"Hayes said. "Oh well come on let's go have some fun"I said taking Hayes hand with mine.

We went into the water and we were having so much fun. Hayes disappeared and I couldn't find him.

I felt a pair of hand wrap around my waist. I screamed only to find out it was Hayes.

"Hayes don't do that"I screamed slapping his arm. "That was hilarious "he said smiling. "No it wasn't "I said pretending to cry.

"Awh I'm  sorry I didn't mean to hurt you"he said wrapping his arms around me to give me a hug. "You gave me a hug im flattered "I said jokingly.

"Well I hope this flatters you as well"he said. "What do you me-" I was cut off by his lips crashing into mine.

I kissed back. I don't really know why but I did.

"What was that for"I asked looking into his eyes.

"I like you Macey like really really like you"he said. I felt my cheeks turn red as I looked down.

"I like you to"I said.
Tanner looked hurt and I don't know why.

"So what exactly are you and Hayes "Elissa asked. "I don't know we both like each other but something is stopping me"I said. "Oh well Hayes is a keeper "she said.

I sat down by Tanner and he seemed uncomfortable.

"What's wrong "I asked. "Nothing"he said. "Tanner can you please just tell me"I asked. "Ok fine . I found out that the girl I liked doesn't like me back"he said. "Well whoever that girl is made the wrong choice"I said.

"Your a dork you know that right"he said. "Shut up"I said jokingly.
"I had a fun time with you tonight"I said to Hayes as he walked me to my door. "I had just the same amount of fun with you"he said.

I kissed his cheek and walked inside.

I can't fully commit to him yet until I figure out what's stopping me.



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