Good and evil

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You woke up with the sun flooding threw your window,the light woke you up and it was finally the weekend so you felt well rested. "Good morning" you said to your stuffed (f/a), you had that stuffed animal sense your were two but,it was still in really good shape. You got off your warm bed and went the kitchen, you felt cool rush as soon as your feet hit the floor. You walked to the Cubers and got some ingredients to make your (f/bf), you started to eat till you heard a nock at the door,you looked down at what you  were wearing you were only wearing a (f/c) night   dress that showed some of your cleavage, " one second!" You yelled as you ran to your room,you ran into the bathroom and grabbed your rob. "I'm coming!" You shouted,you opened the door and saw the happy face of your friend Mabel. "(Y/n)!" Said Mabel giving you a hug,"guess what?" She said excitedly," what?" You asked happily, Mabel stuck her hand out and showed you a beautiful diamond ring. "I'm engaged!" She shouted, a couple of passer Byers looked at Mabel and you and kept walking. You felt a little embarrassed so you ushered Mabel in side. "I'm so happy for you" you said serving her some breakfast," I know right!" She squealed as she put some (b/f) in her mouth," do you have a planed wedding day?" You asked," no but, we are having an engagement party down at my sisters house" said Mabel getting a small peace of paper from her pocket and handing it over to you. You took the little paper it read:
10:00 Downing Street 16708
" I'll be there" you said happily," yay thank you so much!" Said Mabel jumping up and down all the way to the door, " oh and you can bring someone with you if you want" said Mabel slyly,"ok we'll see" you said starting to laugh. ~time skip~ you walked along the cold street but it was still a nice day,it was sunny and the birds were flying over head, everything was perfect until you felt someone staring at you but not in a fun way like when your crush stares at you but, a creepy stare.
You tried not to turn around but you couldn't help it you turned around to see a man with choppy black hair and pointed teeth looking down at you." Why hello" said the man menacingly, you recognized that voice it was the voice of Edward Hyde. "Long time no see" said Mr.Hyde, you stood there speechless," miss me cause I missed you" he said in your ear. You cringed as you felt his breath hit your ear. "Yes s-sir" you squeaked out, you didn't know what to say or what to do you just stood there looking right into the eyes of the devil. "How about a nice stroll?" Asked Hyde putting his arm around you, " I have to-" " of cores you do" said Hyde interrupting you and pushing you forward, you feel but quickly got up, you felt a pain in your leg and looked down at your knee and saw that it was bleeding.You tried to cover it with your skirt but Edward already saw the damage. "Oh that's a sham" said Hyde looking  at the blood running down your leg, "here let me take you to my house to get that treated" said Hyde grabbing your arm and giving you an evil grin." No!" You shouted pulling your arm away, " your not going to do anything to help me your just going to use me!" You shouted angrily," let's go" Hyde growled and he grabbed you by the arm and this time having a firm grip so it was no use escaping.
You came to a old wooden door and Mr.Hyde took out his keys and unlocked it. You and Hyde came into a big lab with test tubs on every shelf, but there was one in particular that caught your eye, the test tub was filled with red liquid. When Hyde's back was turned you carefully walked to the test tub,you took the bottle and started to examine it,"HEY DON'T TOUCH THAT!" Shouted Hyde angrily, in fright you dropped the bottle and it shattered on the floor. " I-I'm so sorry" you said with tears filling your eyes," I'm here to help you and this is what I get?!" Said Hyde grabbing your throat"I- I'm s-s-sorry" you choked. Hyde brought you closer to him and slammed his lips on yours he let go of your throat so you could take a breath but went on kissing you. He backed you on to the wall and started to unbutton his shirt, you tried to leave but it was no use he kept you there like a prisoner. This wasn't a gentle kiss like what Dr.Jekyll would give to you for fun but an aggressive kiss.
You looked down at abs,and finally gave up. He put his hands on your hips and licked for entrance you didn't except so he bit . You blushed and pushed him away," well?" Hyde growled," I um...have to go" you said looking down at your boots. "Would you ever think I would be mad at such a pretty dove?" Asked Hyde sliding his hands down your hips, you pushed his hands away and left without answering him. ~time skip~
You walked into Mabel's sisters house and the smell of freshly baked goods kissed your nose." Hello ma'm what can I do for you on this fine evening?"
You turned to your right and saw one of the house servants," oh hello" you said,"I was just looking for were the engagement party is taking place" you said," oh that's in the dining hall" said the servant," thank you" you said as you ran off. Mabel's  sister was the generals daughter so she and her father were really rich but for Mabel,she decided to go her own path. "Hello (y/n)" said a soft voice you looked over to see Mabel's sister daintily walk over to you unlike her sisters constant running. " why hello Muriel" you said,Muriel curtsied to you then looked up at you like she was expecting something, you finally figured it out then curtsied back. "Would you like me to show you to Mabel?" Asked Muriel,"yes please" you said. Muriel stuck out her arm and you took it," well here you are" she said," thank you so much" you said trying to sound lady like" no problem" said Muriel. "Hey Mabel" you said happily,"huh...oh (y/n)!" She said surprised, " thanks for inviting me" you said not sure really what to say next," want to meet my franca?" Asked Mabel," sure" you said quickly," Fredrick!" Called Mabel.
A nicely dressed man appeared holding two drinks, he had light brown hair and light brown eyes, he was really attractive. "Here you are" sad Frederick handing a cocktail over to Mabel," Fredrick meet (y/n),(y/n) meet Fredrick" said Mabel pointing out each person when she said their name." Nice to meet you" said Fredrick happily giving you a firm hand shake, " nice to meet you" you said back," would you like me to get you a cocktail?" Asked Fredrick," don't bother yourself I can get it" you said turning red," no no let him get it,he'll be fine" said Mabel laughing," are you sure?" You asked embarrassed," it won't be a problem" said Fredrick giving you a cute smile. He reminded you of Dr.Jekyll with that soft gentle glow in his eyes that looked just like Dr.Jekyll's."Mabel!" Said a light voice," aw man I have to go visit guest now" said Mabel," oh okay bye" you said,"bye!!" Shouted Mabel. You found an empty seat as sat down and drank your cocktail and listened to the music, "hello" said a male voice,you got startled and looked up to see Dr.Jekyll standing over you," hello Dr.Jekyll" you said in a breathy tone, " I beg your pardon I didn't mean to scare you" said Dr.Jekyll turning pink. Dr.Jekyll looked different,his eyes had dark circles under them and his cheekbones were a little sunken in,but he still gave you that sweet smile with a little twinkle. "May I have this dance with you?" Asked Dr.Jekyll getting up and bowing slightly and holding his hand out," yes you may" you said curtsying. Dr.Jekyll grabbed your hand and put his other hand on your waist,he blushed a deep red so did you. You put a hand in his shoulder and you started to dance, you were in sink,you felt like you were dancing on air ,then,he brought you in closer into him. You were so in the mood you put your head down on his chest. You heard the gentle thumping on his heart. ~time skip~
Dr.Jekyll brought you home but you didn't go your separate ways,you invited him inside and had a cup of tea with him and talked about some crazy childhood times (you went to school with him...awwwww ok ok) "yup that was crazy" said Dr,Jekyll pretending to flick a tear from his eye because you were both laughing really hard. "Hey Henry" you said nervously,"yes" said Dr.Jekyll in his soothing voice," can you come upstairs with me?I need to tell you something" you said;" how could I have said that?!" You thought to yourself,"um...sure" said Dr.Jekyll turning red. You went with him upstairs and you both took off your shoes  Dr.Jekyll took off his coat,you took off your cover up and forgot you had scratches there were Mr.Hyde had been attacking you," what happened?" Asked Dr.Jekyll in shock," what?" You asked," there are slash marks all over you back" he said. "Fine you caught me" you said sitting on top of your bed,"Mr.Hyde did this" you choked at his name, soddenly Dr.Jekyll's face got a pale white, "I'm so sorry" he said trying to fight back tears. "Sh I'm okay" you said,~time skip~you and Dr.Jekyll were now alone on your bed reading (y/f/b). You finished the book and looked up at Dr.Jekyll who was looking back down at you with tender eyes that looked kind of sorrowful,and tired. "My I have this dance?" He asked you getting off the bed and holding out his hand," yes you may" you said taking his hand. As you were dancing Dr.Jekyll's Hand went from your waist to your butt and he playfully squished it," my Dr.Jekyll" you said blushing a deep maroon and starting to laugh,Dr.Jekyll laughed too as the mischievous look came in his eyes. After a while you stoped dancing and went on the bed,Dr.Jekyll carefully took off his buttoned down short and dropped it to the floor,you turned around to see Dr.Jekyll turning pink then you looked down his physique. You decided to take off your top as well and soon enough you were both half naked in your bed,Dr.Jekyll put his soft lips agent yours you moaned as he rubbed your hip bones. He licked for entrance,you playfully denied so he licked one more time and you excepted. You enjoyed this very much, you were finally one with the doctor,you both found each other and what you truly were, but you never knew the monster that lay inside him. Will you ever know? Will he ever tell you?
You and Dr.Jekyll stoped as soon as things went a little over the top," I'm happy but don't get me too happy" said Dr.Jekyll  jokingly,you laughed as you ran your finger down his stomach and gently poked his navel. Dr.Jekyll's face soddenly went from red and love filled to a sickly green," are you okay?" You asked concerned," I-I need to go " said Dr.Jekyll putting on his clothes and rushing down stairs, you threw on your robe and ran after him,"were are you going?!" You asked as he ran off into the street. For some reason you saw him start to limp, you shrugged and walked disappointed back up stairs with tears starting to cascade down your face "what's happening to poor Dr.Jekyll?" You asked your self in your head,"Tomorrow's another day" you said to your self as you fell asleep.
Your POV:
So today I went to Muriel's house (Mabel's sister) and had the time of my life with Henry. I finally brought him home,I know it's cringy but,I kind of wanted to. We were hanging around together and finally kissed until,he left and I don't know why, is he hiding something? Is he trying to tell me something? Until tomorrow.

( thx for reading please follow and vote ;) )

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