Dangerous Game

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( A/n: thank you so much for reaching over 100 views love u guys ;3)
A couple of mouths has passed and you and Dr.Jekyll were back at work, you and Dr.Jekyll have been together for a year and three mouths, and you and Dr.Jekyll have become really close to each other. You stayed at his place for a few days because the roof of your house sprung a leak durning the weekend. So you stayed with him.
" Morning sleepy head" you yawned stretching," Morning" moaned Dr.Jekyll giving you a lazy wave," i'll go start making breakfast" you say popping out of bed. You were a morning person but Dr.Jekyll in the other hand was not. An hour later Dr.Jekyll was woken up by a warm smell of  (f/m/b) and rolled out of bed, " Morning my sweet (Y/n)" said Dr.Jekyll walking over to you and giving you a kiss . Dr.Jekyll felt his stomach growl and put his hand on his stomach and blushed a deep shade of red. " The (f/m/b) is almost ready you said placing your hand on his,"t-thanks" said Dr.Jekyll embarrassed. You happily ate your breakfast with Dr.Jekyll and got dressed, you walked down the stairs and slipped on your shoes," come on Henry, were going to be late!"You shouted from downstairs,Dr.Jekyll came down in his formal suit and his top hat with his lab coat in his hand. "Ready?" you asked taking a deep breath " I-I guess" stuttered Dr.Jekyll "but what if I-" you cut Dr.Jekyll off," you won't trust me" you smiled. You grabbed Dr.Jekylls hand and ran out side, the warm sun hit your face and the wind wiped threw your hair, even Dr.Jekyll enjoyed him self. You and Dr.Jekyll finally got to a horse and buggy and got a ride to the office. " Thank you sir" you said waving goodbye," your welcome ma'am, good day sir" he said giving a tip of his hat." good day" said Dr.Jekyll giving him a firm handshake.
You opened the doors to the building and you saw people hustling and bustling and smiled, You and Dr.Jekyll walked inside the sun lite building and hugged  goodbye and went your ways. " Hello Ms. (y/l/n)" said Mr.Uterson (A/n: Uterson is a lawyer in the real Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde okie back to the story). You turned around and saw a tall man with a neatly brushed mustache, he smiled down at  you and you returned," how are you Mr.Uterson?" you asked giving each other a firm handshake," i'm fine and you?" asked Uterson "back to the old grid ay?" he asked," yup back to work" you said bending your arm and swinging it in front of you, " well i'll see you later" said Mr.Uterson giving you a pat on the back.
You were sitting in your cubicle and filling out some paper work until you felt a tap on your shoulder,you turned around, it was your boss. You got a nervous sweat. " H-Hello Mr.Williams"you said nervously," can you come into my office for a minute?" he said in a stern voice," o-okay" you said giving out a nervous laugh. You followed the heavy set man into his office,this is the first time you've been inside,so you were taken back on how big it was. The walls were alined with roes and roes of books with a big lader with wheels on the bottom. Mr.Williams opened up the big shades letting day light stream threw, he sat at his big desk and jerked his head near a seat upfront by his desk. "sit" he said shortly you emidiatly sat down," now" said. Mr.Williams darkly," congratulations!" he said with a sudden change of tone the darkness in his voice melted away and became very cheerful and excited. " for  what?"you giggled,"your product was a great a success, the ointment is on the shelves and selling like hot cakes,i'm very proud of you and i'm giving you a raise" he said happily extending his hand and giving you a hand shake."Thank you sir!" you squeaked with joy," thank you so much" you said walking happy out of his office and then running down the hall to Dr.Jekyll's cubical." Henry!" you said happily,Dr.Jekyll slightly jumped out of his seat." (Y/n) you gave me a scare" said Dr.Jekyll panting," sorry I sacred you but I have to tell you something" you said walking over to him and putting a hand on his back," what?" asked Dr.Jekyll curiously," my ointment for treating scars and burns was a success and it hit the shelves" you said proudly," really?!" said Dr.Jekyll shocked,"yes sir" you said giving him a big grin." (Y/n), that's -that's amazing" said Dr.Jekyll getting out of his chair and giving you a hug," I was thinking we can go to the pub and get a little something to celebrate" you said putting one arm around his torso and the other on his chest, " yes of -of course" he said excitedly giving you a kiss on the head. ~time skip~
You and Dr.Jekyll walked home together laughing and thinking about your day and stopping off at the pub. When you got there the formiler smell of beer hit your noes and the sound of music,talking, and laughter hit your ears. You sat down at a booth with Dr.Jekyll and got your drinks and some food and laughed and talked some more." (Y/n)!" you heard someone call your name over the loud pub,"(Y/n)!" shouted the voice again, you looked to see your friend Mabel with her husband Fredrick, he looked a little older then when you first meet him but he still had that kind and sweet personality you remember." Hey Mabel" you said happily as you gave each other a hug," hello Fredrick" you said giving him a small curtsy," hello Miss (y/l/n)" said Fredrick giving you a kiss in the hand ., " hello sir" said Fredrick shaking Dr.Jekyll's hand," how do you do?" asked Dr.Jekyll cheerfully. You,Mabel,Fredrick and Dr.Jekyll talked about business and house life. " So that's why I learned that my cat liked fruit" said Mabel ending her thought," did you tell them?" asked Fredrick nugging her in the arm,"what...oh yes!" shouted Mabel," so me and Fredrick are planning to have a...baby" squealed Mabel grabbing Fredrick's arm," yup" said Fredrick pride," we are having a baby" he said in agreement. " Really!" you said surprised," that's amazing!" you said reaching over the table and giving Mabel a hug." Congratulations" said Dr.Jekyll shaking Fredrick and Mabel's hand," do you know if it's going to be a girl or a boy?" you asked curiously," we don't know yet i just took the test yesterday" said Mabel," oh well congrats" you said with a smile. ~time skip~ you spent most of the night at the barr laughing,talking and eventually watching the dancers and the play. It was a great evening until Mabel realized that Dr.Jekyll looked pale and a little green." Henry?" asked Mabel concerned," are you all right?". Dr.Jekyll looked up at Mabel with panic in his eyes,"i'm f-fine" said Dr.Jekyll," to many?" asked Fredrick laughing,"Henry do you need to go home?" you asked rubbing Dr.Jekyll's back,"no" said Dr.Jekyll. Soddenly, his eyes got all watery and he did a small gag. "Henry" cried Mabel," Henry if you need to go home you can" said Fredrick," no-no i'm-" Dr.Jekyll's sentence was cut when he got sick on the floor." Henry!" you shouted as Dr.Jekyll got sick again, "i'm so sorry" you said turning to Mabel and Fredrick who had concerned looks on their face, " it's ok just get him home" said Mabel as Fredrick flagged down a waiter. You left with Dr.Jekyll wrapped in your arms and slowly walked home. "I'm s-s-so sorry" choked Dr.Jekyll," Henry these things happen" you said kissing his hot forehead. soddenly, Dr.Jekyll got on all fours and started to transform. "Henry please" you begged," go n-now" stuttered Dr.Jekyll," no!" you shouted, " i don't want to-AAHHH" Dr.Jekyll's bones started to crack and become more beefy. His hair became jet black and his teeth became Mr.Hyde's teeth and before you knew it Mr.Hyde was standing in front of you. " H-Hyde" you gasped," why hello my sweet" said Mr.Hyde darkly," why are we not at the bar?" asked Mr.Hyde getting closer to you and kissing you, you cringed slightly but you were so used to it you let it happen." well,(Y/n)!?" Hyde angrily, " because..." you choked," we left,and that's the way it's going to be" you said trying to muster as much self confidence as you could. You walked home with Mr.Hyde, you sighlantly cried to your self as you remembered how much pain Dr.Jekyll was in. Mr.Hyde glanced at you and saw your tears rolling down your face," what's wrong with you" snapped Mr.Hyde," nothing" you snapped back. Mr.Hyde chuckled," I like it when your tempers up one" said Mr.Hyde backing you up in to the nearest tree," get-get away from me" you said managing to pipe those last few words before Hyde's lips aggressively meet yours. You struggled trying to release his grip on your wrists but, it was no use. You stood there backed up on a tree letting Hyde bite your neck and slide his hands on you. Eventually Hyde stopped but still held on to you as you walked home. ~time skip~
     You laid in bed awake with Hyde snoring next you thinking about how good your day began but how poorly it ended." good night Dr.Jekyll" you whispered into the darkness, you turned on your side and let sleep surround you," good night" whispered Mr.Hyde in the kindest tone he could muster.

Your POV: Today was one of the best days ever, my ointment for scars and burns has officially hit the shelves and me and Dr.Jekyll were having the time of our lives until, Dr.Jekyll got sick. Mabel,Fredrick , and I thought that the drinks were too strong, so we left and that's when he started to turn. I still feel bad even though i'm kind of used to it i still feel his pain. I spent the rest of the night with Mr.Hyde instead of Dr.Jekyll. Till tomorrow

( thx for reading ^^ plz follow and vote)

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