Chapter 1

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With a sigh, you fling yourself down onto the bed in Rika's apartment, clutching your phone for dear life. You hadn't received any more messages since Yoosung's rant on how cutting up onions with his mother had made him want to cry. Biting the bottom of your lip, you once again scroll through past conversations, frustrated with your helplessness. Since the first day you were flung into the RFA, your life has been seemingly out of your hands, and you have had no choice but to stay cooped up in a foreign apartment while a bunch of strangers fuss over you, and a strange man watches you from a CCTV screen. It doesn't quite help that you are beginning to feel deeper emotions for said man; a guy whom had just a little while ago frantically told you that he was on his way to your location to fix a special security system in the apartment that not only did you have little to no knowledge of, but was potentially endangering your life. It wasn't as if you were not grateful for this opportunity to do something "good" with your previously non-exciting life, but the previous stress along with the information that he had to sneak past his secretive maid, Mary Vanderwood the Third, to get to you, finally drives you to let out a lengthy groan. As you coped with the overload of nonsensical information flooding your brain, you dropped your phone onto the ground below.

Realizing your mistake, you swiftly move to assess the damage to the device, when you hear a sound outside. At first, you conjure up the vision that it may be your "savior," who successfully pulled off his great escape and was ready to come to the rescue- obviously armed with Honey Buddha Chips in both hands- but you were shaken from your internal musings as glass shattered, and a strange man entered your room through a window. His hair glowed an almost ethereal snow white, and he was smiling- or the closest to one he could while the bottom half of his face was obstructed with a black face mask. All you could do was hold your breath in unspoken astonishment as he lunged for you. The last thing you heard was a few, barely coherent words spoken in a twisted voice, before your vision went black.

"Don't worry, little one. I've come to take you to eternal paradise."

This was definitely NOT the savior you were looking for.


    When you came to, you realized you were miraculously, still in the apartment, and you were about to write the entire experience off as a bad dream, until you realized you couldn't move. Glancing down, you noticed your arms and legs were bound in thick twine, and you were unable to call out due to the a cloth tied around your mouth to gag you. The masked assailant was nowhere in sight, but you doubted he was very far. As the front door handle began to jiggle erratically, you closed your eyes, preparing for your doom. That is, until a familiar voice called out.

    "Are you alright? I'm coming in!"

Seven. You gave a muffled cry of relief, tears flowing down your face, until you were met with the warped smile of your attacker. He  was standing in a doorway to the left of you, his right index finger pressed against his mask in a teasing motion to "shush" you, while his other hand held a lamp that previously resided in the apartment's bedroom. Your moment of solace was short-lived, as the implications of the scene before you came crashing down in waves of terror. Your attention was quickly returned to the front door however, as it swung open, and a breathless redhead burst in, his eyes crazed with worry. It took him a few seconds before he focused on your pitiful form, and his eyes widened almost comically.

"Wha-  what happened?.. Who did this to you? What's going on?" Seven choked out, as he began to rush forward.

You frantically shook your head, trying to warn him to leave you and just get away!, but he ignored you, and you resigned yourself to your increasingly familiar fate of helplessness as you heard a soft and distorted chuckle which you knew could only have come from the mystery man. Seven was entirely oblivious to this, disregarding all caution as he was focused solely on helping you. Just as he was about to speak again, to help alleviate your fears with his classic, strange 707 humor, he was tapped on the shoulder. Seven turned just in time to see the narrowed mint eyes of your assailant before a loud crack resounded across the room, and Seven crumpled to the ground.

You tried your best to scream through your gag, and struggled to break through your bonds, but the man who had just assaulted the only person you had ever developed serious romantic feelings for, crouched down in front of you and once again crinkled his eyes in a phantom smile.

"Shhh...shhh...We can't have any of the now. I promised you happiness at Magenta, and unlike him, I do not break my promises." Though you assumed these were supposed to be calming words, through his voice manipulator, they sounded much more sinister. In the corner of your vision, you see him pull out an object with a wickedly gleaming silver point, and you feel a sharp sting in your neck as he continues, "When you wake up, we will be home, in paradise."

Once again, everything fades to an increasingly familiar darkness, and all you can think is, 'I wonder if Yoosung managed to finish chopping the onions without crying in front of his mom...'

Not the Savior You Were Looking For (W.I.P. TITLE)Where stories live. Discover now