As was mentioned in It Was But A Dream, last night I was haunted by who I used to be. The changes not restricted to just physically were immense. I hadn't realized just how much I had grown out of myself. Her and I? We were polar opposites. Totally different sides of the spectrum. So how can I accept that her and I are one in the same? We walked side by side through a hospital. She greeted everyone with a cheery "Hi!" And a wave while I avoided eye contact. I stuck to the shadows. She thrived in the light. She peered into each open door, and was thrilled to find a vending machine. I kept my eyes straight ahead. She bounced off the walls and nearly burst from the exuberance only a child can manage, someone so pure that hasn't been tainted by the world. I remember her clearly, both from the dream and from memories. I remember my innocence and endless curiosity. And all I can do is wonder what happened.