The Boss

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Damien POV

Have you ever done something that people say is wrong but that is just how you're raised. Well that is my life to a point. I'm head of the Italian Mafia after my father stepped down I took his place at the top of our family. Family, such a stronger word that everyone knows but never really understands the meaning. The meaning of a family or what it means to be apart of a family. Not only the blood and marriage type of family. But the kind build firmly on trust an relentless friendship. That is what it means to be in the Mafia, to work as a family. We never kill just for the fun, we do it to make sure no one hurts our family. In a world of kill or be kilt us Blue Blood's do what ever it takes.

'Knock! Knock!' came the door.

I push my thoughts to the back of my head and tell who ever it is to come in. In steps Jax, Lars, Ace, and Brendan.

" Hey man, you'll never believe the girl we've been hanging out with." Brendan says giving me a bro hug then fallowed by the other three. Me and these boys go way back, trouble they are but I wouldn't change it for the world.

" Is that so, which one of you are trying to get with her?" I asks and they all look at Jax with a smile causing me to laugh. Right then my mom and dad walked in.

"And what might you be laughing at?" My mother says as her and my father take a seat on the green leather couch in my office.

"Jax tried to pick up a girl that we meet at Benny's Cafe." Lars says with a shit-eating grin.

"I was not trying to pick her up! We talked no more than one day and I am already well aware that she is too much for me to handle." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

" Well I would love to hear more about the girl that out wild you." My dad states with a chuckle.

" She had the complexion of a goddess and hell of a personality. Plus she is smart and talented, I mean look." He pauses and pulls out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me then continue. " She over heard us talking about a tattoo I wanted to get a designer to draw for me. Leisa said that she had seen her work and that it was beautiful and that I should ask her. The guys and I just watched her at first but when she looked up she said starring was rude then flipped us the bird." He says and we all laugh.

I unfolded the paper and saw the most amazing work in my life, she really is good. I pass the paper to my parents and they went wide-eye

" Anyway, so I walked over and said 'hey' but only got a 'hi' back. I started to teller about the tattoo but she beat me to it. When I said she heard our conversation she simply replies with " talking is teaching, listening is learning" or some shit like that. Then I told her what I want on my tattoo and she started drawing. In the end Ace was threaten and insulted and I got my picture and she left, but of cause not before I asked if she'd be okay. So we took her to the shopping district to day as a thank you for the picture. Yeah she got us kicked out of the candy store." He says the takes in one big breathe and lets it out.

" Wait, Ace got threaten and insulted" I asked.

"Yep, when she started drawing us guy watch her work over her shoulder. But I guess I was too close that I was breathing down her neck. So she said in the most claim voice that it was scary that if I didn't stop she punch me in the ball and told me I need a mint." Everyone but Ace started laughing.

" Oh, and you even go her number." My mom says.

We all look at her in shock til Jax speaks up " What, really!?"

" See it's on the back with a note. It say 'If you ever need a tattoo designer hit me up.' See?" My mom replies hand the page to him.

"She has a pretty name." my father states.

"What's her name?" I ask pulling out my laptop.

"Scarlet Johandson. Why." Branden asks.

" Just want to to put a face to the story." I reply. I type the name in to the computer and soon the most beautiful girl pops up. She was so amazing, with brown hair and blue eyes. Light skin with pink, plump lip.

" She not like a goddess she is one." I say with wide eyes.

"Aww, our boy fell in love!" Branden teases.

"Let's call her!" Lars say.

I try to tell them not to but they hardly ever listen. There was three rings the a very sexy voice.

"Hello?" She said or more like asked.

" Hey Scarlet, it's me Jax. What are you doing." He says.

"Oh, hey Jax. I'm not doing much, just playing doctor." She replies.

"Are you ok?"He asks

" Oh um, not on me. A...Friend. got hurt. I just finished cleaning him up. I just have to watch him to make sure he's fine. But other then that nothing. How about you?" She says back.

" Not much, hey my friend loves you." He says non cliche.

" Jax shut up, I never said I loved her." I yell

It get quiet then you hear a giggle through the phone "Jax quite picking on that poor guy. When he kicks your ass I'm going to laugh. Hey put Ace on the phone."

Doing as she says he handed him the phone." Sup little girl." he says.

" Hey when Jax gets him ass handed to him record it. Its karma for being a dick and not buying me ice cream." She replies. We all laugh excepted for Jax who was pouted.

" As much as I like to talk to you boys I have work tomorrow. Oh and tell your friend I don't believe in love at first sight so he'll have to work for it." She says.

" And why don't you believe in love at first sight?" My dad asks taking the phone.

"Do you know why they say that the heart hold ones love. That is because you have to see who that person is on the inside before you can truly love someone." She explains. We all went quiet and wide eye. No one said a thing until you hear a grown in pain .

" Uh shit, sorry movie I was watching, Uh, I have to go. Bye guys, nice talking to you. Tell Buba Lars next time I see him I want another piggyback ride" She says then hangs up. We all set sightly until my father burst out laughing while my mom smiled at me.

"She really is something else." My father says still laughing.

" She is, especially since she trying to save Joshs life right now" I hear a deep voice come. I look at the door to see James, my third in command.

" What do you mean?" I asks him.

" Josh and a couple others was ambushed at the bar. He was shot, he lost a lot of blood. He might not make it boss." He replays

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