Shady's List of Story Ideas- Idea 1

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Idea #1 A Fallout-styled world where the main character is part of a growing settlement, and happens to have first contact with an alien race that has been watching Earth since The End (AKA Nukey Nukey day.)

Main Character: Daniel Shade
Occupation: Overseer for Scavenging and Defensive Operations. (AKA he leads some groups and organizes the whole system.)
Age: 18
Weapons of choice: A Black Rain BRO-PG14 .308 AR (with various attachments), Katana (Because when you find one, there's no way in hell you would part with it, because Katanas are badass and let no one tell you otherwise.), a M1911 (Various Attachments), and a somewhat unhealthy number of knives.
Outfit: Normally wears a home modified body armor, using a damaged Enhanced Dragon Power Armor suit, duct tape, and body armor(from a military base.)(It's still got the air conditioning from the Dragon armor.), along with a hooded trench coat that has Kevlar pads sown into it, along with a damaged Power helmet.
Background: Daniel Shade is the son of Rodney Clay Shade, the leader of the New Mississippi Republic, thus giving him access to the better loot acquired, in addition to the fact that since he is in charge of the operations, might as well keep him intact. He stands at 6'7", and isn't the strongest of people, which is why he's in a logistical role(Father's influence /might/ have had a bit to do with it), but he still goes out with patrols.
Setting: New Mississippi Republic, population- 5 million, location- all of Mississippi about 500 miles north of Jackson, along with Memphis and the surrounding area. Because of a military research space station crashing down in their territory, with it mostly surviving the impact, they have access to advanced radios, along with various inventions from the space station that have been modified and changed, in addition to military bases that were assimilated into the NMR.

Notes: Almost all vehicles run on a form of micro Nuclear fusion, or advanced solar cells that are more reliant, allowing them to not need fuel.
The NMR has alliances with other factions throughout the USA wasteland, primarily with a group that is based in Area 51, and another at the NSA. This allows them access to information and tech that almost no one else has, while they exchange it for food and clothing. The NMR also controls a large array of attack drones, which patrol the skies and trade routes, to ensure safety of state and trade, along with an incentive. They annex other factions when possible, to increase the standard for both groups of people.
Essentially, the Northern Mississippi Republic is the major power known, and the other two that could compete are allied with them.
Patrols are of different sizes depending on role.
-/- Emergency Attack/Defense Patrol- Ride in on a VTOL armed with miniguns, and are in Powered Armor, and ready to kill most anything. There's only a few of these, simply because they aren't really needed. They act as a SWAT force in large scale issues. Normally sized at about 15-20.
-/- Heavy Combat/Border Patrol- Three soldiers are in Power Armor, and act as squad leadership and support. Armed with various LMGs, they mean business by themselves, not including their eight man squad for each of them(Squads have one Marksman with a .308, others have a 5.56 Auto AR.). Usually they ride in armored trucks or two Strykers, numbering at about 27
-/- Regular Border Patrol- The majority of patrols are this, they monitor borders and the territory. These guys are dressed in standard military gear, various automatic 5.56 ARs, along with two marksmen with .308 rifles. Their vehicles are Open Troop Transports, which means they are like trucks with passenger seats in the back. They are numbered at 14 soldiers split into two squads for each patrol.
-/- Light Border Patrol- Dressed in lightweight body armor, with standard-class ARs, although they usually have weaker rifles, depending on where they are located. Ride in a pair of jeeps, they are a single squad of 6.
-/- Scouting Patrol- Protection ranges from full body armor to minimalist gear, they generally go with lightweight rifles, usually having only two or three with ARs. They are tasked with investigating structures and various objectives deemed of interest. They usually ride in a single car or jeep, or walk there themselves, and are anywhere from 4-9 strong.
-/- Looting Patrol- These guys have either Power Armor or Power Assisted Armor, to allow them to carry heavy loads. They are armed with .308 ARs, shotguns, or an occasional LMG. They are tasked with retrieving all valuable things from a building, and to investigate where a scout team could not. They ride in Strykers, with three or four per patrol, so that way as much cargo can be taken. They are about 12-18 strong, and bring back most of the goodies.

Shady's List of Story Ideas- Idea 1Where stories live. Discover now