Good Enough - Klingenmoe

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  Morgan's P.O.V-
Meghan wait!" Moe yelled as she ran out of the room in an attempt to stop her as she grabbed the older girls wrist.
"Let go." Kling replied before ripping her hand away and slamming the door.
That was two weeks ago, but I couldn't help but replay the moment in my head ,as I boarded the plane to Utah for training.
"Morgan!" I heard someone call from behind me and silently prayed that I would turn around to see Kling's face, only to find Emily.
"Hey Em"
"He Moe. Where's the short one?"
"Oh uh I'm not sure." I lied.
"She's coming right?"
"Uh yeah she probably just late. I'll call her." I lied again. I knew I wasn't gonna call her it would be no use I already knew she wouldn't answer. But the team didn't know what happened and I still had hope that I could fix it , so I lied.
"Oh." She replied. "Uh I'm gonna go but I'll see you once we land." She chirped back up before walking away.
"You could have just told her."
"Excuse me?" I replied as I turned around to find brown hair facing me as she stared at the ground.
" I said you could have just told her what you did. Unless you're to guilty." She whispered even quieter then before.
"The plane is boarding I have to go."
"Wait!" But she was gone.
"Fuck" I muttered under my breath as I made my way onto the plane and took my seat.
"Fuck who bean?" Lindsey chuckled as she sat down besides me
"Great." I sigh.
"What aren't you excited to see me bean?"
"No not really."
"That's to bad. I feel like we haven't talked in forever."
"It's been 2 weeks Linds get over yourself" I laughed
"See I knew you missed me. So what's her issue" she asked as she nodded her head in the Kling's direction did you do something?"
"I don't know did I?" I snapped.
"I'm sorry did I say something wrong."
"Whatever just forget it." I sighed but I knew she already had as I pulled out my phone and put in my earphones signaling the end of the conversation.
Morgan- Hey are you ready for camp?
Oh good job Morgan. Your girlfriend is talking to you for the first time in weeks and you ask her how she's doing. I sighed as I silently cursed myself and watched her as she pulled out her phone.
Kling 💗- What?
Morgan- I said are you excited for camp.
Kling 💗- Is that supposed to be your way of starting a conversation?
Morgan- A for effort?
I quickly replied as I watched a small smile spread across her face.
Kling 💗- Yeah I guess you could say that.
Morgan- Hey Meghan?
Kling 💗- What?
Morgan- I'm sorry.
Morgan- Come on Kling. I miss you and I know you miss me too.
Kling 💗- I do. I just wish I didn't.
What? What the hell does that even mean! I started freaking out as I began to reply but quickly gave up as I watched her turn her phone off and shut me out once again when I noticed Kelley sitting next to her as she got up and made her way to the bathroom.
"Hey Kelley!" I practically yelled in her face after jumping over Lindsey and rushing to her.
"Um Moe you know we are about to take off right?"
"Switch seats with me?"
"Please hurry before Kling comes back."
"Oh! Is this the make up mission." She chuckled.
"You know?"
"Of course I do! Who do you think she came to when she walked in on you?"
"Oh." I sighed as I stared at the ground
"Hey don't worry about it. Everyone makes mistakes now let me pass and get your girl." She winked as she pushed me into the seat and rushed away just before Kling returned.
"Kels?" She called out but Kelley was already in a full fledged attempt to ignore her.
"Hey." I sighed as sat down clearly trying to ignore me.
"Meghan I'm talking to you." I whispered as I ripped the earphones out her hand.
"Why are you ignoring me?"
"Please Meghan just let me explain?"
" No."
"Why not."
"Because I said no."
At The Hotel
"Tobin and Alex,Press and Mallory,Ash and Ali,Kelley and Crystal, and Morgan and Kling. Ok the rest of you have your room assignments already. Go get your rest I'll see you ladies tonight."
"So..." I started as I whipped my head around only to find that Meghan had vanished from the seat behind me.
"It'll be ok." I heard Kelley whisper in my ear before heading out of the room as I picked up my bag and followed her.
I entered the room and let my bags hit the floor as the familiar sound of the shower filled my ears. Before heading over to the bed I assumed was mine and sighed as I thought back on the time when the second bed wasn't necessary, and she'd manage to climb into mine in the middle of the night. Wiggling her way around my body as I pretended to be asleep and she stuffed her head into the crook of my neck.
I was quickly ripped away from this fantasy when I heard the subtle ring of Kling's phone from across the room.
   "Meghan! Megan your phone is ringing." I shouted knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me over the water, before making my way to the dresser.
"Hi this is Doctor Martinez is Meghan there."
  "Um no this is her... girlfriend."
   "Oh ok well please let her know her mammogram results have returned, and to give me a call as soon as she can ok?"
   "Yeah yeah sure thank you" I replied half heartedly before hanging up the phone as I sunk down on the bed.
"Why do you have my phone?" She asked defensively as she entered the room in grey sweatpants and a sports bra.
"Oh I'm sorry. Your doctor called you I thought you would want me to answer it."
"Oh" she calmed down as she started searching through her suitcase. "Well what did she say."
"She said your test results came back." I whispered as I watched her entire body tense up at the thought.
"Kling what's going on?" I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her waist noticing the tears forming in her eyes.
"What do you think?" She tried to joke as she pushed away from me.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Because I don't want to need you Moe. I don't want to let you hurt me again." She whispered into my ear as her tears hit my neck.
"Meghan you know I wouldn't do that."
"You said that last time." She mumbled under her breath.
"I know but things are going to be different this time I swear."
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