On Your Side- Krashlyn

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(Ok so quick note this was 100% absolutely based off of the music video for "On Your Side" by the Veronicas. )

"You ok babe?" Ali yelled from the kitchen as Ash let one of many painkillers slip down her throat.

"Yup!" She sighed as she put the bottle back into the cabinet nearly breaking the mirror in the process.
"Look I know it's hard okay? But just a few more weeks and this will all be over  no more pain pills, no more physical therapy, just you and the goal post." Ali cooed as she wrapped her arms around her fiance.
"Yeah yeah I know." She sighed as pulled the brunette closer to her.
"I'm gonna head to the store after practice." "Don't worry you'll be back on the field in no time." She quickly added as she noticed the disappointment on Ash's face as the word practice left her mouth.
"Alex, do you think you can pick up my medicine while you're out." Ash asked just as Ali began to apply her mascara making the defender stop in her tracks.
"You're out already?" She questioned in disbelief as she whipped around to find the women spread out on the bed.
"Um, yeah but you know what I'll pick them up it's not that important anyway." Ashlyn shrugged as picked up her phone in hopes of dodging the question.

After Practice
"Ash! You'll never believe what happened!" Ali exclaimed as she entered the house only to find no one there.
"Ash?" She called again as she made her way through the house in search of the keeper before giving up after finding a neatly placed note on the bed.
She let out a sigh as she sat the bag of medicine down on the bed and leaned down to take off her shoes, when she noticed a box just below the bed. She quickly got down as she pulled out the box causing a large rattle to come from the inside.
She quickly lifted up the top revealing bottles of pain medicine that vanished all to quickly.
" I knew it." She sighed as she shook her head in disbelief as she rummaged through the box of empty bottles. She should've known this would happen. The doctor warned her how addictive they could be, but she demanded they give them to her anyway and she knew it was nothing she could do now. It was too late. All she wanted was for Ash to feel better she never meant to hurt her like this.
"Mrs. Ugh..."
"Harris. Mrs.Harris." Ali interrupted as she stared through the glass at her sleeping beauty, and a sharp pain went through her as she stared at the casts that covered her.
"I must tell you, this medicine although it is very beneficial it can become very addictive. We can find another option but it may not help as quickly..."
"I don't care." She stated casually as she stared from afar. "She deserves the best."
"Yes, Mrs.Harris, she will have to be monitored almost daily, I really think you should rethink your decision..."
"I really think you should do your job!" Ali spat as she whipped open the door signaling the end of the conversation.
She began to panic as she heard the door shut and scrambled to put the box back in its place as Ashlyn entered the room.
"How was practice." Ashlyn chirped as she wrapped her arms around her waist
"I don't know the usual." Ali chuckled as she turned and planted a kiss on the older woman's lips.
"How was physical therapy? Any big progress yet."
"Not really." She sighed as she plopped down onto the bed.
"Hey if I can do it so can you stud." Ali reassured her as a chuckle left her lips.
"Yeah I know." Ash sighed as she rested her head on Ali's shoulder.
"Oh my god Ash you're burning up!"
"No! No! I'm fine really I just need to sit down for a sec."

"No you aren't!" Ali exclaimed quickly jumping up leaving Ashlyn utterly confused.

"Ali? W-whats wrong baby is everything ok?" Ash chuckled as she reached out to grab Ali's wrist only to have it ripped away.

"Did you take any medicine today?"

"No I ran out five days ago I told you that." Ashlyn replied clearly confused as she stared up at the woman in front of her.

"How do you feel?" she asked cautiously pushing her anger to the side as she kneeled in front of the brunette.

"I don't know I guess I'm a little cold why?"

"I thought you were hot?" Ali asked in confusion before pushing the thought aside as she noticed the look on Ash's face. "I can't believe you!" She sighed as whipped away and made her way towards the living room, making sure to take the fresh bottle of medicine with her.

"Believe what? Ali what are you talking about I'm fine!"

"You don't even know whats wrong do you?" The defender scoffed, "You have a problem Ash!"She yelled at the goalkeeper as the first tear left her eye.

"Ali I'm fine! Now give me my medicine!" She reciprocated as she lurched forward grabbing a hold of the container.

"No!" Ali yelled back, clearly determined not to give up as she yanked it back sending the cap flying off as pills flew across the room.

"What the hell!" Ashlyn shrieked as she bent down to pick up everything she could find. As Ali backed out the room in disbelief, leaving Ashlyn to search the room. Before hoping in her car and taking off without any real destination. She was halfway towards the practice space before she pulled over, as she rested her head on the steering wheel.

She contemplated calling Kyle, but quickly changed her mind, knowing exactly what he would say as she turned around. She couldn't abandon her, not when she needed her the most.

"Ash?" Ali called as she stepped into the house slowly stepping over the capsules that littered the floor. "Ashlyn, I know that... oh my god!" She cut herself off as she rushed into the bathroom to find the strong woman she once knew shaking uncontrollably on the floor.

"Ash! Ash please!" She panicked as she wrapped her arms around her body and pulled her into her chest. Before dragging the nearly unconscious brunette into the shower ,as the cold water hit their skin and Ashlyn clung on to the woman as she had done many times before.

"Please don't leave me." Ash chocked as Ali planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I'm always on your side stud, I promise."
Hey guys! I've pretty much had this idea ever since I saw the video but I never got around to completing it until now so yay! Let me know what you guys think, and feel free to give me suggestions!
I'm thinking of writing A Mallory Pugh and Jessie Fleming one shot soon because I feel like that ship needs a lot more attention (and also a name 😂)

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