Chapter 1

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I never knew the absolute silence could be so frightening.

I stared at the pair of lips above me, quivering and moving slowly. I knew this person was talking, but I couldn't hear anything. I could feel something warm trickling down my body...but I couldn't move my neck to see what it was. All I knew was that my body was completely drenched in the sticky warmth and what felt like a pair of arms holding me unbearably tight.

"....—ro..." A raw voice choked out of my throat, trying desperately to form words. ""

Those lips stopped moving. Sharp fangs bit down hard on the lower lip, drawling out blood before they gave out a shaky response. However... I still couldn't hear. It felt weird... being able to hear myself but not this person.


Those lips stopped moving and suddenly gone slack. My vision began to blur, coming in and out of focus before my gaze drifted up...

"So...rry..." The soft whisper left my throat in contrast to my speeding heartbeat.

I stared in horror at the pair of wide, unblinking blackened eyes that didn't have a tint of white in them. They just stared at me... completely dead...


"Aah!" I screamed as I shot out of the bed. Sweat poured down my face as hot puffs of breath worked its way through my lips.

It was that dream again...the same dream that haunted me for so long, that I have long forgotten when was the first time I ever had it. Hearing the chirping of birds, I looked over to the thick curtains covering my window.

"Again?" I muttered when I noticed the curtains swaying ever so slightly.

Reaching out, I pulled it apart and was hit by a beam of sunlight. I put a hand over my sensitive eyes, shielding them from the intense light and looked to the window to find...yes, it was open again.

I groaned. It was the third time that the window I remembered closing firmly the previous night had opened.

Who knows how many misquotes had invaded my apartment this time. I grumbled and checked the lock which again doesn't appear to have any problems.

"Maybe I should get someone to take a look at it after all." I yawned before plopping back onto my pillow...only to sneeze when something flew into my nose. I ripped my face away and to my annoyance; found black fur all over the left side of my pillow.

"What is going on?!" I coughed, trying to get the hair out of my throat while patting the fur away.

I looked around my room, then under my bed, searching for any signs of another life form. Like the window, this was the third time it had happened. In fact, these two things happened right at the same time. At first, I had thought some sort of animal had snuck its way in, but after a thorough cleaning and mouse traps all around the small apartment, that didn't seem to be the case.

I sighed, flopping onto my bed as I gazed out lazily to the blue sky with the sun hanging high—


I blinked.

The was unusually high for morning...and today was the first day of the weekend so no school...meaning...

"Saturday's bargain sale!" I cried as I snatched the alarm clock on the nightstand. When I saw the flashing numbers over the screen, I let out a strangled squeak. It was already eleven twenty-five, thirty-five minutes until the sale I had waited a week for ends.

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