Chapter 3

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   I stayed in the parking lot for a full ten minutes, trying to grasp what had happen before figuring that I needed to go.

During the way home, I was tempted to call the police... or at least, ask someone to do it for me seeing as I didn't have my cellphone with me.

   I wonder why I didn't.

   They were a weird bunch. It wasn't an exaggeration to say they're on the same level of weirdness as those vampires. Nothing they said made any sense. They're the words of I must be going mad too seeing how I couldn't stop pondering over it. There was just something... something nostalgic...


"I'm home~" I called even though I knew no one would answer.

   I set my shoes aside and strolled into the living room to find the tiny black cat bathing in the small patch of sunlight beaming through the window.

"Kuro!" I gasped, having completely forgotten about the cat I had brought home.

   The tiny creature perked up at the name looking almost surprised. Well, it probably is. As far as the cat's concerned, I'm a stranger.

"Thank goodness you're awake—the cat food!"

   I groaned when my body registered how hungry I was as well. I hadn't eaten for an entire day! I kneeled by the cat and slowly reached out a hand.

   When the creature didn't reject me, I rubbed by fingers on his forehead, right between those tired looking eyes. If cats had eyebrows, I was certain that this little one's would be in a permanent frown.

"Today had been a crazy day... first, I got dragged into some sort of vampire banquet, then got kidnapped by some weird people..." I chuckled at the memory. For some reason, they felt so distant and unimportant when I looked at the fluff ball in front of me.

"I'll get you some food alright, Kuro?"

   Those black ears flicked as I pulled away. I sighed as I prepared to head out for the third time that day when—


   I stopped in my step and slowly turned. The room had gotten dark all of a sudden. The patch of sunlight shining on my floor was gone along with the little black cat. In it's place was a teen, tall and standing, a bit hunched with blue-silvery white hair and heavy bags under his eyes.

   I froze as a mixture of thoughts exploded in my head.

   Who is he?

   How did he get in here?

   Is he a thief?

   But in the end, I just stood there, waiting for the panic that never came.

   I know him...

   I know this person... but from where?

   The other boy just stood there, standing as still as I was, when crimson eyes locked onto my bronze ones.


   This person is a vampire.

"" I whispered before I could even process my thought.

   Suddenly, a beam of blue light exploded around us. I yelped when I saw the ring of light circling around my wrist, then glanced over to the vampire who had the same ring, except it was circling around his neck.

"Hey..." The vampire spoke, not even the slightest bit fazed by what was happening. "How do you know my name?"

"Y-your what?" I gasped when the light suddenly vanished like nothing had happened at all. I looked down to my wrist, then back to the vampire. "What is this? Who are you?! I'm going to call the police if you don't—!"

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