Chapter 2

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I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

The moment that hand loosened, I ran. I ran all the way home without stopping, without ever looking back.

My bag of groceries was left back at the restaurant, but I couldn't care less as I stared at the cat in my arm. It's eyes were still closed and unmoving. If it weren't for its slow breathing, I would've thought it was dead. Grabbing a pair of scissors, I carefully cut through the ropes and freed it's little paws from it's confinement.

"What was with those guys?" I mumbled as I thought back to those vampires and shuddered.

Grabbing a pillow, I carefully laid the tiny creature down. I rested my chin onto the edge of the pillow, smiling as I gently caressed its silky fur. When I brushed by it's head, I paused at the feeling of a... bump?

Pulling some fur back, my eyes widened at the red patch on the cat's skin.

"What the heck!"

Those crazy vampires abused this cat! I was fuming with anger, tempted to call the police on them before remembering how the Tsubaki group are the police in the vampire world.

With a heavy sigh, I sat down next to the cat and saw the crimson strap around its neck with a bell dangling at the front. It looked completely worn out. The golden lustre of the bell was dull with rust covering most of the surface, and the strap looked like it would break apart at the slightest touch.

I took a mental note to replace it later.

"Let need a name." I said, giving the large ear a gentle poke and chuckled when it flicked. "Thinking simply, you're a black cat so...Kuro! How's that?"

Naturally, the cat didn't respond. It just continued to sleep, oblivious to the new environment it was thrown in.

I headed to the kitchen, famished before remembering that I did not have any food. The empty fridge that I had planned to stuff with the Saturday bargain sale completely backfired on me.

"Well...might as well get some cat food too."

I gave the cat, Kuro, one last look before I headed out.


The convenience store was only a short five minute walk away. I left carrying two bento boxes—one for my lunch and the other for dinner—as well as a bag of dried cat food.

It should've been a simple trip, but obviously the world had something against me for that; the moment I turned around the corner, a car came screeching down the road.

I yelped, quickly jumping to the side, when the door of the speeding vehicle flung open and an arm shot out towards me. Before I knew what had happened, I was pulled inside and surrounded by my kidnappers. Teenage kidnappers.

"Big brother Mahiru, it's been a long time." The muscular, strong looking blond spoke with a stoic expression.

"How long do you plan on making an angel wait?" The raven with a stripe of white on his hair grunted.

"Really, it took a long time to find you. Is being a broke commoner your curse or something?" The purple haired snorted, before the cowboy-looking blonde was suddenly in my face with a...doll?

"Hi, Mahiru-kun~ How have you been?"

"W-who are you people?!" I yelled, backing far away from them as I desperately tried to open the door that was obviously locked. "I-I don't have any money!"

"Hah? Who wants your money?" The purple haired boy snapped, only to pause as his eyes narrowed. "You...don't tell me you haven't made the contract yet!"

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