Untitled Part 1

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Long ago, there was a time when humans were synced with every animal on the planet, but that all changed when the Gods brought down hell upon earth, every animal of nature turned against the human race.

Or so we thought.

That was in fact a lie told by The Church in order to keep us from finding out the truth – not every animal was against us. We still had an ally in the animal kingdom, albeit it was very low on the food chain. The crab.

It wasn't by luck that this knowledge became known; my people, the only remaining descendants of the Southeastern Oceanic-Asian tribe, had always believed that our unique connection with nature was still there, only weakened and they had been right. Of course I had been the first one to know, as their leader they required my approval and support which I gladly gave them for The Church had taken someone very special from me and I would never bow down to it. The only problem that my people had was that they were limited in their aims, they only wanted to inform people of The Church's lies, but didn't realize that we could do so much more than that – we could destroy them.


I stood watching as the crabs filed into the courtyard, human link by their side,

"Men," I paused watching as the soldiers became silent, "Tomorrow we march to The Church and hold our peaceful demonstration, enlightening our brothers and sisters to the truths that have been kept hidden from them!" I waited as cheers erupted from the soldiers, causing the crabs to become restless by their sides. That was the problem with each crab being linked to a different individual, they were difficult to control, but not for long.


I heard the scuttling of my recently linked 30'000 crabs behind me as I walked to slit the throat of my last remaining soldier. As he drew his last breath I felt another crab link to my mind, finished I said a silent prayer to the Gods asking for forgiveness for the 30'001 souls I had just taken, the guilt I felt was strong but my need for vengeance was stronger, beside taking their lives had been necessary evil in order to free everyone - not just my people - from the control of The Church and exact my revenge.


Wiping the blood and sweat from my forehead, I commanded my crabs to follow as we marched towards The Church, I had left instantly after murdering my men in fear of being caught and detained by my people in retaliation for the murders I committed. I commanded my crabs to stop as we reached The Church, I watched as knights wielding swords ran towards me and my crabs prepared to end us. This was going to be a long battle.


I glared as I set eyes on The Pope, the man in charge of murdering my beloved. He was all alone and defenceless my crabs having killed all his men.

"Attack!" I shouted at my crabs and instantly they began crawling over The Pope, devouring him,

"Why?" he begged through his screams, eyes glistened with tears.

I stared him int he eyes right before one of my crabs bit out his throat and said,

"For Harambe."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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