Chapter 7

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  He awoke in his bed in their room, his body and mind more comfortable than they had been in days.

He must have fallen asleep, but he could scarcely remember much. They had gone to watch movies in the living room and then...oh. His face erupted in red.

He rolled over to bury his face in his pillow and tried to think of something else, but his efforts were in vain. He heard the rustling of sheets and felt a hand on his arm.

"You all right?"

He reluctantly removed the pillow and turned around to look at his friend. He nodded and offered a small smile. Luke brushed it off without much thought, trusting Jonathan and not wanting to nag him too much.

"Let's go get breakfast. I don't think anyone else is up yet."

The two trudged into the kitchen, Jonathan yawning all the while. Rummaging through the cabinets, Jonathan began pulling out various ingredients and utensils.

"You're gonna cook?"

"Yep. I'm too bored."


Cartoonz moved around to help when Jonathan instructed him to and kept up pleasant conversation.

After a while a warm, delectable scent wafted around the house. Luke and Jonathan were setting up plates at the table when a thud followed by several grumbling voices came from the hallway.

The rest of their group came into the room with Lui leading. When he noticed, Jonathan almost dropped a plate before hastily setting it down. He moved to face them and lowered his eyes to the floor.

"I-I'm sorry, I D-Didn't mean to be r-rude, I didn't T-Think about asking Y-you first."

Lui was shocked for a moment before moving forward. Jonathan flinched and unexpectedly felt Lui place his hand on his shoulder. He slowly looked up.

"Del, its fine. Actually, I'm really happy you took the time to cook for us. I'm sure its be great."

Jonathan shakily nodded, seeming to be more at ease as he moved to help Luke finish. As the boys took their seats Jonathan started putting plates full of various breakfast foods in the middle of the table.

There was so much! Brian was the first to take something, piling some eggs on his plate, and the others watched in anticipation as he took a bite. They watched as his eyes widened.

"This is amazing! I didn't know you could cook this well!"

Jonathan blushed at his praise. The others took turns gathering food upon their plates and eating with vigour. They talked a bit about the day and decided to go down to the beach later when it warmed up.

The meal was finished in a little under an hour, and Jonathan began doing the dishes while the others set up some GTA on their laptops. Daithi stayed behind to help, and Jonathan was grateful, before they went to their rooms to get their stuff.

Unknown to Jonathan, the others were recording their gameplay so that they would have something to upload. This included the audio that was connected to all of their headsets.

Jonathan was enjoying blowing his friends up with RPGs and C4s. They laughed together and played for hours.

By the time they tired themselves out it was already far into the afternoon. They sat around the table talking until Craig suddenly gasped.

All eyes turned to him as his eyes became downcast and his shoulders dropped.

Tyler, who sat next to him, moved to where their shoulders were touching.

"What's wrong?"

Mini didn't meet any of their worried eyes. It was a moment before his quiet, solemn voice could be heard.

"We...have to leave tomorrow..."

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