Chapter 27

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Evan and Tyler sat on the couch, not saying anything. It had been days since Evan had last seen Jonathan, and every second felt like a needle stabbing into him. Tyler had taken a plane as soon as he was able, and Evan had told him everything.

Evan had been so sincere. He had looked into his eyes, and he had sworn with blazing intensity that he hadn't given anything to the waitress. Tyler believed him.

Tyler had known Evan for many years, and their relationship extended far beyond video games. They were best friends, and Tyler trusted Evan when he had told him. Something just didn't add up though. Things like this never just happened spontaneously.

Of course it would be him, thought Tyler. Evan has never done anything to hurt anyone. He doesn't deserve this.

He sighed internally and glanced over at Evan. Since Tyler had been in Canada, Evan had become more determined than distraught. He was still hurting, but there was a fire in his eyes. He was going to get Jonathan back.

Tyler envied the flame of Evan's personality simply because he did not have that determination himself. There was someone he wanted to be with, a person he longed for more than anything. But alas, he didn't have the courage.

Perhaps that was why he was here, with Evan. Beyond their friendship, there was Tyler's secret dependency, a need to be around someone he could learn from. He had always needed to learn.

Evan got up, doing so slowly but still startling him. Tyler watched him go to the kitchen, thinking he was going to get himself some sort of food. He was surprised when Evan came back with his laptop, that dangerous glint shining in his eyes.

Slightly apprehensive, Tyler sent him a look, but Evan was dead set on his task. Tyler wasn't even going to lie, he was one of those people who watched everyone type in their passwords, but Evan's fingers moved too fast for his eyes.

Evan went to the browser and pulled up some weird website, typing in several things before a map slowly started to appear, pixel by pixel. As it loaded, Evan spoke without his eyes leaving he screen.

"This is where he is."

Tyler obviously knew who he was talking about, but he was more concerned with when Evan had become such a hacker. He somehow had been able to tack Jonathan, most likely through his phone.

"According to this, he's in North Carolina, which means he is probably with Luke. If I can convince Luke that I didn't truly hurt Jonathan, I can find him, explain. I just hope he'll forgive me."

Tyler was surprised that Evan had made a plan like this, but he supposed Evan had been thinking for a while. It was better than him moping around feeling sorry for himself, and he hoped that Jonathan would see Evan for who he really is.

He had become friends with Jonathan almost immediately, and he was sure the rest of the crew felt the same way. After they had made the 'H2OVanoss' ship, he was totally all for it. When they became a couple, he was so happy and wished that his life would work out the same way.

But now they were hanging on. He would do anything, anything he could. He put his hand on Evan's shoulder, a sign of encouragement. When those fierce brown eyes met his own, he nodded firmly. It would work.

Tyler went to the kitchen, leaving Evan to go to his room and call Luke. Despite what he wanted to do, he knew Evan needed to be alone to do this, to convince him. So he went to at least satisfy his hunger for food, rather than information.

Meanwhile, Evan was pacing in his room, his phone clutched in his hand with his thumb hovering over the call button. What if he didn't pick up? What if he couldn't convince him to listen?

No. He let his love for Jonathan burn away his doubts, and he took a calming breath. He let his shoulders relax, and cleared his mind, filling his thoughts with Jonathan. He was ready.

He pressed the button.

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