playlist rules

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Be literate dude - three sentences minimum unless I'm the one slacking; just mimic my replies length

Don't spam - gimmie an hour or two to reply

Triggers - I'm fine with anything; they spice things up, just censor yourself if we're in the comments & not PM

Third person only - None of that *sits* , -sits-, ~sits~, /sits/ bullshit okay?

Hey Admin! - Talking outside of the roleplay between admins requires (), //, []

Heartbreak - Drama between OCs is rad af; make them bîtches fight; rip out their heart and glue it back together just to rip it again

GirlxBoy - Not gonna lie, I'm not a fan. I will do them if I know you prior because otherwise I just don't really care for them.

Password - What's your favorite song at the moment

I like him but - You can have one character from here even if you & I already have two going on in PMs; the third will remain here but all others go to PM

Oh shit the condom broke - Pregnancy scares are bomb af and gladly accepted regardless of OC's gender

Taken or single - means single ; ☺︎ means taken

Sexuality? - =Gay | =Bisexual | =Straight | =Pansexual

Questions Comments Concerns - Comment down below

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