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Ron wasnt always like this. I remember that there was a time where he was happy and we used to have fun together but I don't know why everything just changed. One minute I had it all and the next I didn't even have myself.

When I fell into Ron's lap that Friday 6 months ago he cradled and rocked me in his lap until I was able to open  my eyes again and upon doing so I saw the most breathtaking thing ever. The laugh lines under his eyes becoming prominent as he looked at me with nothing but relief and it was at that moment I decided that this was the guy I would spend the rest of my life with one that would give me the love that I never received from my father.

After that incident me and Ron began to meet regularly outside of lessons sometimes in public but most of the times in private. He was just always there always  attentive and  never dismissive. For the first time in a long while I felt that someone was interested in me not where I came from and not where I studied. He didn't recognise me from these things he recognised these things from me. But what I failed to notice is that theres always something sinister Even in the boring thIngs

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