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On the thirteenth of May 1959 in the morning at 8o clock Jim received a surprise call from Greeneville two hundred and twenty miles away. It was from his school friend .  Vera told him to go and meet his friend. 'Now I am going, will you be o.k. with the baby all alone?"Jim asked? 'WhyJim do you think this battalion of doctors nurses and housemaids who pounce on me even if any one of us sneezed are not enough to look after us? More over you will be back by today evening?Vera jeered at him.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Smiling foolishly Jim kissed her and the baby and took leave Within ten minutes after Jim left ,Veera received a.   phone call from London. It was Ben son of her godmother Pamella. He informed her that his mother was in her death bed She wanted to see her before she closed her eyes. Vera   promised Ben that she will be there as early as possible.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .                                                                                                         

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