Chapter 4: Xexe

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|| 4. Xexe ||

Saturday was usually either a very tiring day, or my sleep-in-all-day day. Sometimes both.

But on this day, I had to get up early to get ready, and that whole excursion was an event in itself, fumbling around half-asleep. And the whole time, indecision followed me as I felt like I was constantly rushing. I got it together, eventually, but I felt like I wasn't doing enough, or too much, or that something was missing. I'd never been this nitpicky about my outfit before and it was adding to my irritability. I sighed at myself in the mirror, wearing some comfy dark blue jeans and a thin, black long sleeve. I turned and peered out the door, immediately cringing. Lily was sitting there expectantly. "Well? Let's see it."

I pursed my lips and looked away with a weary grunt. Lifting my foot, I carefully stepped out from the bathroom nervously. "Alright – hit me."

Inclining her head, Lily stood and studied me carefully with her arms crossed. With scrutiny in her narrowed eyes, she turned away to her dresser. I gulped. She opened the little box on top of it and then turned to me eagerly with shiny bands in her hands. The nausea quickly worsened. "Ah ah ah, don't you start, if I'm helping you, you're wearing it."

I gagged. A few minutes later, she'd managed to get a simple, satin, black ribbon choker with an itty bitty little gold bell in the front around my neck, practically strangling me in the process. Then she nearly scalped me while pulling my hair back into a high pony, fighting my thick hair with a comb. I had some shorter tendrils in the front that fell over the sides of my face like a frame. Then we got into another argument over shoes. "No, no heels."


"No, I don't care–"

"But the right amount of inches can give you like a subtle ass lift, and he's tall, so it'll get you closer–"


"–to his lips–!"

"Oh my God," I breathed wearily, looking away and wanting to crumble to pieces. "That's...literally the last thing that would happen today."


Staring pointedly at her, appalled, I scoffed. "Are you–? Lily, it's not a date-date!"

"You're meeting up on a weekend, and it's not school related, and even if it were, it really wouldn't be with your brain, so yes it is," the blonde retaliated, looking at me with a knowing smirk.

With a flat stare, I shook my head fervently, feeling my ponytail swinging behind me. "For my own sanity, no the hell it is not–"

The sound of the doorbell made me squeak and drop to the ground instantaneously. Lily spun around excitedly and then glanced back at me. "Oh, Bruno, calm down, it's a good thing!"

"He's early!"

"I know, that's basically unheard of for men, let alone boys, you should be more excited!"

"I'm gonna die of embarrassment, I feel ridiculous," I revolted while hysterically rolling around.

She scoffed and tossed the ankle boots down beside me with a little brown cardigan. "I'm gonna go get the door now. Wear it or don't, but I recommend you do." I bemoaned her dictatorial suggestion in agony as she left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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