Chapter 1: War

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        I remember when I was real young. I was attacked. It was someone with the blue hair of Ao no Kuni. It was dark, and I couldn't see. I had woken up from hearing a loud sound. Before I knew it, I couldn't see in my right eye. I was permanently blinded, and I even had a nasty scar to prove it too. A long gash from the top of my eyebrow down and across the corner of my lip.
        I had screamed so loud, and my parents ran in just as the guy ran off. I've been terrified of the color blue ever since. I remember so clearly that dark blue hair in the moonlight. That terrible blue color.
        I had been brought to the hospital immediately. The doctors had to give me stitches too. Afterwards I was left with a scar. Right down the side of my face. Through my eye and just getting the corner of my lip too. I had thought I was going to die. I really did! But...I didn't. I was so young then, so perhaps it wasn't as life-threatening as my mind made it out to be.
        But this case wasn't very uncommon. There have been some children who were killed by the people of Ao no Kuni. It's tragic but a reality. Our Warriors usually keep us safe though. It makes me wonder what happened.
        After that event, my daddy had wanted me to learn how to protect myself, so he spoke with our leader about having a Warrior train me. He had agreed, and I was trained for a long time by Kasai-sensei.
        I was taught first to defend myself, especially my weak point. My defence training took a year before Kasai-sensei was satisfied. Then, we moved on to offence. Just basic punches and kicks because I won't really need to know anything else. We practiced that for another year. He told me he was going to spend two years on speed training, and we did just that. That brings us up-to-date.
        I'm standing before Kasai-sensei. He says, "You've come so far. You were once a puny child, and now, you are a less-puny child. I would like to ask for your consent to take you under my wing and have you be the first to be in my new group."
        "New group?" I ask him curiously. I had a feeling he would ask something about joining to military, but do I want to be the first of his group to do something new?
        "Yes, I plan on implementing an infiltration unit. It's going to be full of undercover spies and sleeper agents."
        Sleeper agents, huh? I then ask, "How would we do that?"
"What do you mean?" Kasai-sensei asks.
        "Our hair is red, and theirs is blue. How would we explain that?" I explain.
        "Already covered. We've developed a special formula that changes the natural hair color of a person."
        "Yeah, but how will we get in?"
        "Stop worrying! I've got this covered. Do you understand?"
        "Yeah. Sorry for doubting you."
        "It's alright. It's good to know somebody's questioning my methods. Well?"
        "Yes. You have my consent."
        "Good. Well then, let's tell your father and the leader about you becoming a Warrior."

        I'm a Warrior now. Right now, Kasai-sensei is explaining that he wants to send me in. Then, he'll wait a few years before spreading rumors about Aka no Kuni having started a new infiltration unit
        "How old are you again?" he asks awkwardly.
        "Ten," I tell him.
        He counts on his fingers and says, "Six years so you should be sixteen by the time the rumors go around. You'll have a year to settle in. Then, you join their ranks, alright?"
        "Right," I agree.
        "Also, you won't be able to communicate with us, so you can't send any letters here. Don't hesitate to fight our men alright. If you do, try to make it only the first few battles. After that, you should have the hang of things, and hesitation will make them skeptical."
        "Keep the hesitation to the first few battles and no communication. Got it," I repeat.
        "Also, your name will have to be changed. It's too foreign for an Ao no Kuni person," Kasai-sensei comments.
        "Well, what should my name be then?" I ask him with a tilt of my head.
        "Try something like... Hagane," he says.
        "Hagane. Hagane. Ha-ga-ne," I try out. "I like it. Very... blue."

        We got my hair dyed with the special hair color-changing formula. It was a spectular sight. I never thought I'd get my hair changed to a different color. Blue no less. I'm still pretty afraid of blue. I hear Ao no Kuni is pretty patriotic too, so I need to prepare myself.
        I'm strong though. I've grown. I'm not as afraid — I still am a little afraid — but I have to have courage. Even with my fear, I will persevere.
        "We will put you under a hypnotic spell, okay? You won't remember anything except for the basics," the hypnotist man who works with the army says.
I nod in understanding, saying, "I'm ready."
        Then, the hypnotist does his job. I slowly fall asleep.

        "Boy, are you alright?" somebody asks. I open my eyes and look at the man. I sit up slowly and look around. I ask, " I?"
        I'm so confused. Why can't I remember anything. I start breathing heavily, looking around frantically.
        "Calm down! If you continue, you'll just pass out. What's the last thing you remember?"
        "I... remember...," I start, scrunching up my eyebrows in thought. Not a single thing seems to pop up in my head.
        "Amnesia. Come with me. My troop comes by here. We'll escort you to town," the nice man says.
        I smile thankfully and take the hand he offers. He helps me up and guides me to a group of men and women with blue hair. He explains my predicament.
        A woman kneels in front of me and asks, "Are you sure you don't remember anything?"
        "Sorry, ma'am. Nothing comes to mind," I admit and look down. I'm embarrassing myself. I can't even answer a simple question.
        "Okay, let's start easy. Do you know your name?" she asks.
         "N-...," I start before think and remembering something. "Yes. Hagane."
        "Hagane? That's a cute name," she says with a smile. "Come on, we'll take you to the town."
        With that, I head to the town with this group.

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