Title: 30 on the Ground
Author: TheHeartfeltMemory
Genre: Adventure
Summary: Year 3033. A post-apocalyptic radioactive war zone leaves an entirely small population of humans fearful of the world beyond their walls. After a numerous number of failed missions. 30 teenagers are forced to explore and search that world for sustainable life. But seriously, how well do they think a group of teenagers will last out there before their hormonal rage kicks in? Who will take the lead? And who will follow?
Status: OngoingPlot: I found the plot very similar to that of the show The 100, which made it seem a little too familiar, and predictable for me. But otherwise, the book has a very intriguing, and action-filled plot. As a person who gets bored easily, the pacing of the story was absolutely perfect. The first chapter gave a clear introduction to the main characters, then wasted no time in pushing them head-first into the plot.
Rating: 7Characters: The main character, Alice, suits the plot very well. She is strong and fierce, yet very caring towards the people she loves. She reminds me of Katniss, in a way. The other characters, such as Blaize, Kyra, and Declan, also have their own distinct personality. All of the characters have their own set of characteristics, including flaws, which is essential to making them believable. Making the characters come to life, is an author's ultimate obstacle, and in this case, the author has already overcame it.
Rating: 9Grammar/Spelling: I noticed no reoccurring mistakes, only a few errors here and there.
Rating: 10Description: There are weak, as well as strong descriptions in the story. The action scenes seems to be the author's specialty. I could sense the direness of the situation, as well as the tension. The descriptions for the settings, I believe, is the weakest. The readers aren't given enough ideas, or descriptions to create a clear picture of the settings. The characters though are described exceptionally well, and I could picture them perfectly.
Rating: 8Dialogue: The dialogue is written well, and it is clear who's speaking them.
Rating: 10Additional info: Though, I said that the pacing was quite well, I feel that the romance was a little rushed in the story. The readers should be able to see the development in the characters' relationship, before the "reveal." (I will not say who the characters are, you'll just have to read it 😏)
Recommendation (To the readers): I absolutely reccomend this book! Though it has some cliché elements, it also has its own unique characteristics. The action, mystery, and even the little romance, makes the story thrilling and enjoyable.
Note to the author: If you are unsure as to why you got a specific rating, comment below or PM me, and I will answer. The same goes for any other question you may have. Remember, the review is only to help you, not bash you. But if you are truly unhappy with it, I'm willing to take it down for you, just PM me.
Remember to complete the payment :3