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Title: Monochrome
Author: starl-ight
Genre: Science Fiction

Description:  The world used to be so beautiful
Full of all the colours of the rainbow.
That was, until all the colours vanished from the earth.
Leaving everything in this world either black or white.
Nobody knows how, nobody knows why.
But I'm going to find out.
Before everyone turns crazy.
A thrilling story about a world that becomes void of colour, turning nearly everyone into crazed "zombies".
Can Heidi figure out what happened, and can she bring back the colour?
Before it's too late.
Status: Ongoing

Plot: The plot is absolutely amazing! It is very rare to find a completely original and creative plot. The story starts of with a descriptive and intriguing first chapter, immediately pulling the readers in. Since there are only a few chapters so far, I can't really say much about the pacing, but I feel like that there could have been much more "action" in the first chapters. However, we did get to know the characters really well and get some background info.
Rating: 9

Characters: The characters are well developed and fitting for the story. The story is about a world which suddenly looses color, and a main character who wants to be an artist and loves everything colorful is perfect for the story. I do feel that the other charachters, such as Heidi's sister and Alice, aren't quite defined, but it is just the first few chapters, so that's understandable.
Rating: 8

Grammar/Spelling: What I noticed was repetitive language and a few spelling errors. I would also recommend better wording of some descriptions.
Rating: 9

Description:  The description and use of imagery is great in the story. The readers are also given the characters' descriptions in a very clever way. I could paint a perfect pictute of the setting as well as the characters.
Rating: 9

Dialogue: The dialogue is written well, and it is clear who is speaking them.

Rating: 10

Cover: Though your cover does relate to the story, I feel that it is not eye- catching.
Rating: 5

Blurb: The blurb is very well-written. It doesn't give any spoilers of the story, but tells just enough for readers to get what your story is about. It us wtitten in an interesting way, which also tells the readers about your writing style.
Rating: 10


Reccomendation (To the readers): I absolutely reccomend this book! If you're looking for something fresh and new to read, go check it out. If you have nothing to do, go check it out. It is original, creative, and just plain interesting. I promise it will be worth the read.


Note to the author: If you are unsure as to why you got a specific rating, comment below or PM me, and I will answer. The same goes for any other question you may have. Remember, the review is only to help you, not bash you. But if you are truly unhappy with it, I'm willing to take it down for you, just PM me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2016 ⏰

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