Meeting Everyone!

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A/N Sorry I haven't updated lately!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, here's the new chapter!!! Hope you like it :)

Recap START!






Luckily it was next to acnologia, not...ON him...he would've killed me...

WAIT! if it's not on Acnologia...and it was NEXT to acno(I'm getting tired of typing acnologia, it's acno now)'s in air...waiting to fall on top of someone's head...I feel so bad for that person... (Lucy's Face >_>)

Uh...anywho...I feel so much younger feels so weird...

Time Skip to when they land

Acno turns into a human and walks me to the village. It's night time right now.

Recap END!

Lucy's POV

I'm currently sitting at a table and Acno and this old dude where talking. It went like this...

A = Acno O = Old Dude

A: Can I trust you to take care of my daughter here because I won't be able to take care of her. I will visit sometimes, but I can't go and take care of her.

O: Well, yes, we can take care of her, but may I ask why you can't take care of her.

A: I'm a pirate and I'm scared that I may lose her. I will visit sometimes, but I can't take care of her.

O: Alright, we can take care of her. There are kids around her age in this village so she should be able to fit right in. But can i know how old she is and when she was born?

A: Of course she's 8( A/N Just pretend that Luffy's also 7 and Ace is 9. Just pretend that they're that age.) and her birthday is on July 1.

Yeah that was basically it...also, I just sat there...they talked about me like I wasn't even there...sad life.

Anyways, so Acno's leaving me here, and I am now following the old man to random house. I looked pretty cozy. When we walked in the old man shouted something really loud I couldn't here what he said cuz' it was really loud. Anyways, two boys, a woman, and another old man came down.

The boys looked about 8 and 9. The older boy looked kinda cute...*blushes*

The older boy looked at me and smiled. I blushed even more. (A/N Aww does our little Lucy like a certain someone?? Lucy: SHUT UP!!!!!!! Me: *Smirks*)

"Hi!" the boys said.

I took a step back at their loudness.

The other old man wacked them upside their head. And yelled "You scared her! You bakas!"

The woman sighed and looked at me and said "Hi, I'm Dadan(A/N she's the lady that took care of Luffy and Ace when they were younger), what's your name?"

"My name's Lucy. Lucy D. Apacolypse!" I smiled. I think I saw the older boy blush a little. I smiled a little bigger.

They introduced them selves and I learned that the older boy's name was Ace and the younger one was Luffy. Then the old man introduced himself and the old man that I came in with introduced himself. I learned that the old man that walked me in was called (A/N Uh...I can't find his name, so I'm just gonna call him Old man kay. Oh and if you know, please tell me) OM and the old dude from the house was called Garp, but he said I can call him gramps.



I'm sooooo sorry that I took so long. It's just that I went to a dentist appointment yesterday and got a shot, it hurt and now it's sore. Then on Saturday I had to go to a party that my church hosted for us. And I had a lot of homework last week, so I woke up early this morning to write this. I'm so tired...

Well, I guess, hope you like and share and all that stuff...I'm so tired...

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