Like A Tiger

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"Cameron!" I yelled to my crazy best friend as she ran down the hallway with my new pack of gum. I had just bought that pack of stride gum form the store this morning on my way to school. I hadn't even had a piece yet.

"Who wants a piece of gu-" Cameron yelled to every one in the hallway. Before she could finish the rest of her sentence half the school jumped on her for the last piece of gum. I would help her but I decided against it. I know, I know, I'm such a bad best friend for not saving my best friend from being mobbed, but she never would have been in that situation if she wouldn't of stole my gum.

"Alex!! Alex! Help, help oh my" by the sound of her voice you could tell that she was getting mad. I then decided that maybe I should help cause you don't want to see Cammie mad.

"OK BITCHES YOU HAVE LIKE TWO SECONDS TO GET OF ME OR IMMA FLIP!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.

" One...Tw-" she didn't even finish the rest of two before everyone ran for cover. When she came up for air her face was red and her perfect hair was everywhere.

"Ok Cam it's ok calm down" I said inching towards her. she stood in the middle of the hallway picking out her next victim. She reminded me of a tiger hunting down her prey. waiting and watching for anyone to move. No one dared to move form there spot even when the bell started to ring for 2nd period.

"Cameron honey, calm down." I said gently she looked up from where she was with the most hateful glare. I could tell that it wasn't directed at me, something behind me move.

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