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As someone who loves to read and take long journeys and adventures through the words of an author, I am happy to say that I am ready to write my own wee story. I cannot promise you that there will be love, blood, guts, and pink sparkly unicorns.. Well Yes! No! YES.... Maybe.... Positively..... Unsure...... But I can promise you my greatest efforts and heart felt chapters. It's not going to be soppy and filled with happy endings, and it won't be long and tiring and boring. It won't be perfect and may have plenty of grammar mistakes, but if you just stick with me then I can guarantee you will always have a smile and the urge to want more. I have tried to create a story that everyone would like a few times, but each times it has failed. If you have read the story "Welcome to the dark side," then you will see that I took some parts from it. So please enjoy my story and don't forget to vote, comment, and Add it to your reading lists!!!

Thank you. 

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