Ch. 2

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Hey guys! I know its been forever since I last updated but I kinda just  forgot about this story. I'm super excited to start this story again. And hopefully I can get more reads on this? Anyway; ON WITH THE STORY!!!

When there was a soft knock on the door, I opened it revealing whom I'm guessing is the guy from Colorado. I stuck my hand out for a handshake trying my best to be polite.

"Hello, my name is Vanessa. And you must be?" I trailed off taking in his appearance.  He had on a black leather jacket, a white v-neck that showed off his obvious six pack might I add, black jeans, and a pair of grey converse.

He cleared his throat and very huskily said "Um, if your done checking me out, my name is Garrett." clear amusement was just dancing in those turquoise colored eyes.

"I wasn't checking you out. If I was, I would probably go blind from your hideousness." I was lying, and I'm pretty sure he knew it too.

I thought I heard him mumble something like "yeah, go blind from my sexiness is more like it" before he shoved passed me.

"Um, excuse me, but where and what do you think you are doing?" I asked as he was about to open the fridge. Hey, that's my food. My babies are in there.

"Getting some food. I really am hungry after that long drive. What does it look like I'm doing? Taking a shit?"

"Hey! You watch your mouth you little butter bucket!! I will not tolerate you barging into MY house, eating MY food, or using foul language. I dont care who you think you are, but if you think you can just stroll in here as if you own the place, you can just go wait in the car because you are wrong." I could tell  that this guy was going to get on my nerves already.

"Well dang. Aren't you just a little spit-fire. I like that in a woman." He added huskily.

I just huffed and stomped upstairs to my room. I could hear his ls laughter downstairs. Well this is sure going to be a fun trip. When I walked into my room, I was surprised to see Ashley sitting on my bed reading a magazine.

"Holy guacamole Ash you scared me!!" I whisper shouted.

"Who was that hot chunk of chocolate down there?" She questioned suspiciously. But thankfully before I could respond, Greg called Ashley and I downstairs. I quickly grabbed my bags and headed down the stairs. But I was stopped mid-way when Ashley whispered in my ear "This isn't over. We will talk about this in the car." I think she was trying to be serious. But to me, she sounded like she was on crack or something. I nodded my head slightly and continued down the rest of the steps.

"Alright girls. Are you ready to go?" Trudy asked. I feel terrible having to leave them like this. Trudy was already crying, Greg was on the verge, and I wouldn't even be able to say goodbye to the twins.

"Yeah. I guess so. C'mon Ash. We've gotta go" I said snapping her out of her ogling session on the he-demon. (Garrett)

With that, I walked out to the garage where my baby was parked. Trudy and Greg got it for me when I started high school. I was snapped out of my small reverie when Garrett said "Vanessa, where are you going?" He asked slightly impatiently.

"To get my baby out of the garage. What does it look like I'm doing? Feeding a baboon?" I asked as sarcastically as I could.

"No. If they were at your school this morning, they probably saw you and your car and they probably wrote down your plates. So if you took your car, they would find us and then we would be dead. So that is why we are taking my car." He added grinning like a crazy fool.

I grumbled a slight 'whatever' and threw my bags in the back of his black Cadillac. Nice car for a jerk hole. I hopped in the front seat and plugged my headphones into my ears blasting Fix Me Up by Zach Sobiech. This song really gets to me. Before I could say goodbye to Greg or Trudy, Ashley and Garrett jumped into the car and sped off. The first thing that Garrett said to me was,

"So, what a coincidence. We are going to Florida to save our pack. And us being the last of our pack, are mates. So matey dearest, when do we start re-populating?"

I choked on my spit that I was in the process of swallowing before looking at him as if he had 'I like bird shit in my mouth' written in permanent marker on his forehead. I was about to respond but Ashley talked before I could.

"Wait. Mates? What the hell?! Van why didnt you flipping tell me?!?!?!" she screeched.

"Well, you see. I was about to tell you who he was but then Trudy and Greg called us downstairs and then you said that we would talk about it in the car. so I was going to tell you in the car." I shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

"Well; we're in the car. So start talkin'." She playfully snapped.

I looked at Garrett right as he looked at me and I quickly turned away trying to hide the slight blush on my cheeks. Lost at words, I cleared my throat and said,

"Garrett dearest, my dont you tell her?" I asked sickly sweet.

"Well Vanessa dearest I think I shall." He said in a posh accent. "Well, it started when I started driving down Vans street. I smelt the sweetest thing. It smelt like a combination of vanilla and a slight pinch of chocolate. Then when i pulled into the drive, my wolf was pacing. He was excited and I didnt know why and when I asked him why he was so excited, he just growled and kept on pacing back and forth. I shrugged it off and went to knock on the door. When I knocked, Van here opened the door and I immediately thought 'damn that is one beautiful girl' and at the same time that I thought that, my wolf howled in delight and extremely quietly he whispered 'mate'. When he said that, I just froze. I didnt know what to do. So I just sat there and stared into Vans eyes. They really are quite beautiful. They are like hazel with green and grey specks in them. And then I thought, ' I can really see myself falling in love with this girl.'" He said that last part with so much emotion in his eyes. But before I could stop myself I blurted,

"I thought the same thing" and the truth was, I really could see myself falling in love with him. Hard.

ok so now I'm going to put up a list of the characters that you know so far. But when there is a new character, I will put who plays that character at the end of the chapter.

Vanessa Lancaster : Britt Robertson

Garrett Hudson : Liam Hemsworth

Ashley Neeson : Jessica Green

Trudy Philips : Catherine Bell

Greg Philips : Gerard Butler

Ethan Philips : Spencer List

Emily Philips : Peyton List

That song, Fix Me Up by Zach Sobiech, I highly recommend listening to it. Zach died last March and if you didn't hear about it, it was all over ABC news and a few weeks ago, Zach was awarded one of the extraordinary people awards. He also has a song called Clouds. They are both great songs and I highly recommend them both.

But anyways. What do you guys think of Garrett or and Vanessa likes to call him, the he-demon, so far?

Well I'm on Christmas break until the seventh. So I might update some more. If you want me to add or change anything, you can message me or you can comment! Bye Bye!! :)

○Sky○ ♡♥

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