What is Important

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(At the Royal Palace, Present Day)

Soul King: "Kurosaki Ichigo has shown that hope can prevail.

As long as we hold on to it, we shall not fall into despair...

Ywach is nothing but a child who lost his way in the dark

A troubled past but that's how it all starts

Even a life can shatter in two

A haunting memory it passes right through

What was it father... Why did you...?"

Flashback: (Aizen with his father)

Father: "My son, you are too young to fully understand.

But it's alright one day you'll grow into a man.

We all exist for a reason we continue to search for it.

As a soul reaper I've been given a special purpose."

Young boy: "A purpose? What is it?"

Father: "A soul reaper exists to maintain balance in this world.

You see son there others out there that will threaten to destroy.

"I cannot tell you what path that you should take.

But remember this well if we soul reapers cease to exist,

This world and everything in it will surely break."

Young boy: "But why father? What's important?"

Father: "The balance in this world that we keep would surely begin to crack.

Son if you ever lose your way, be sure to find your way back."

Young boy: "Lose my way? Where are you going?"

Father: "I cannot tell you because you're my son.

I know it's hard but you will grow to be strong,

And someday when you finally understand.

I will return..."

The boy smiled as he looked up at him one last time,

His father would soon be locked away for a mysterious crime.

(Years later Aizen has become a Soul Reaper)

Aizen: "Of course I knew it was all a lie,

My father didn't deserve to die...

So why...?

(Shown without his glasses)

He told me that he lived to protect

And yet...

One day I will discover the truth...

(Reaches for and puts on his glasses)

And my path will fully come into view..."

(Aizen walks near a lake)

Bleach: What is Important (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now