4.) Kieron

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Short chapter

"To say I miss you, is an understatement." Was the first thing I said once she answered the phone. She adjusted the camera so that it hit her face perfectly.

"I miss you way more than you can ever imagine." Her lip poked out. Jacoby walked in and laid next to me. "That's Jacoby?"

I moved the camera over so she could see his face. They smiled at each other. "Hey there, girl."

She laughed, "Hey big head. I miss you, too."

"And I miss you, I'll see you tomorrow if not today." He rolled over so he was no longer in our call. I put the camera back on me and stared at her beautiful features. She was obviously happy from the news she received.

I chuckled, "That was suppose to be a surprise."

She squealed. "What time?"

"In about an hour." I rubbed my hand on the top of my head. The smile on her face did something to me, my heart that is. I'd do anything to keep that there smile on her face. "I love how you smile."

"Not more than I love you." She initiated the love.

"Delaney, now you know that I love you more." She let her lips make a 'pfft' sound. "I don't know why you making that noise."

"Because that's a bunch of lies baby." We talked on FaceTime for about 45 more minutes until JC let me know he was ready to go. So, me and Delaney said our goodbyes to each other and I hung up the phone. I was already dressed to go, and JC got dressed while I was talking on the phone.

Together, we got into his car and headed to my sister's house. The drive there wasn't long, like usually, so when we got to the house I jumped out the car. Using my key, I let myself in and left the door unlocked for Jacoby.

Making random beats on the furniture, I made my way to my sister's room but stopped when I got to Honour's room. "What y'all doin'?"

"Watching a movie, waiting on your sister." Honour motioned to the tv, but my attention was on Gunnar.

"Ain't you too close, my boy?" I took off my shoes and placed my keys on the table by the bed. Going over to where they sat on the floor, I sat in between them and put my arm around Nunu.


"What LeeLee doing?" I ignored her cry.

"I went to the bathroom, why you in my spot?" We all turned to see my sister standing there with hands on her hips. "And since you're here, that mean that–"

"I'm not too far behind." JC smiled smugly. "What's up Honour, Gunnar...Brylee the
Ex-Wifey." I laughed as he sat on the bed, slowly removing my arm from Nunu's shoulder.

"Why do you keep coming to my house?" She turned to me. "Stop bringing stray animals home with you!"

"You a whole animal out here, you silver back gorilla. You think 'cause you dye your hair you the shit? Well you not and I'm calling the zoo." He whipped out his phone, and Honour thought this was so funny. Brylee however looked like she could actually hurt Jacoby.

Gunnar intervened, "Baby come down here."

"I'ma buy a tazer." She pointed at JC. "Let's see you talk that shit then." With that she sat down in between his legs and leaned against him with her arms folded. Everything was quiet, except for the movie playing that is. All up until JC started it up again.

"Hello? Is this the zoo?" LeeLee shot up and started attacking JC, I laughed as all of her punches landed on his chest. He laughed even though I'm pretty sure those hits hurt. My sister hit like a nigga.

"You gon' stop playing with me!"

"Aight LeeLee, you got it." He sat there with amusement in his face, holding her hands at her side. She stood there staring at him with her nostrils flared, her chest steadily rising and falling. "You got it!" He let loose a few laughs.

"Best friend." Nunu laughed. Brylee snatched away from Jacoby and walked out the room. Gunnar got up and followed behind her.

"That nigga a bitch bruh." Jacoby shook his head. "It's something about him that just rub me the wrong damn way."

"Told you he post to be cheating on my sister." I spoke up, eyeing the doorway. "I really wanna kick his ass, but I'ma wait for hardcore evidence."

"LeeLee said he not." Honour finally spoke up. "She said they talked and basically he had proof of his whereabouts."

"It's still something I don't like about his ass." JC came and sat on the floor with us.

"Don't worry, I'm watching him." She nodded. "LeeLee said she'd keep her eyes open but she loves him so if anything she's excusing what he does. But if he's up to anything, know I'm gonna find out." I smiled at her and kissed her lips.

"Thank you baby."

"Yeah, I told you the other night in the closet I got her. I been telling you something fishy 'bout that white boy." I nodded, because she has. I thought back to the night we were in the closet, her ass almost hit me for asking why my sister was crying.

"Still can't believe yo' pull this strong." JC shook his head, I laughed.

"My baby sexy, quit being a hater." Nunu defended me.

"So since I got the both of y'all alone, how did this happen? Like..what?" He folded his arms and looked at the both of us.

"We were playing Call of Duty online by some freak accident. She was talking to me and shit and I was amazed a girl was playing so well when it hit me I recognized the voice." I started.

Honour laughed, "This nigga like–" She made her voice deep, "–Honour? Honour dass you?" We laughed at her. "And I was like, yeah who this? And come to find out it was my best friend little damn brother."

"From that day, I always got her to play with me and conversed with her." I took over the story, smiling. "Got them digits up out that baby and the rest is history." I gently pinched her chin, making her smile bashfully.

"Wow." Was all Jacoby managed to say. "Y'all just be careful, you too pretty to be going to jail."

Honour sighed, running her fingers through her hair. I smiled sadly at her and squeezed her hand. "I know." She sighed, and for the millionth time that guilt came pooling back into me.

"Everything is gonna alright Delaney." I called her by her middle name.

"For my sake, I sure hope so Papa."


Gunnar what?😂 Goonie who? AAAAH😛pick yo lip up while I explain some things.

Chapter one:
"Pretending not to really know you is killing me." If it were Jacoby, he wouldn't have said really. The really was giving y'all a hint she knew them already lol her and JC obviously just met. AND when she was going into the living room she made eye contact with one of the boys.

Chapter two:
"After you prolly harassed her." That was my hint to y'all who it was lmao. 'Cause it was right after Kie came from the front with Nunu and LeeLee😂 surprised nobody caught that. Then when he was giving Lee her soda, I know y'all ain't think "Delaney" disappeared that damn fast. Suspicion shoulda rose when he cut Lee off.

Chapter three:
I know that Goonie part threw some of y'all off. But like Kieron said, Honour had been telling him something fishy was going on with Gunnar but he didn't believe her. So when he asked why Lee was crying, Nu deadpanned because she'd been telling him about Gunnar all along. She wasn't CALLING him Goonie she was SAYING, ANSWERING with Goonie 💀

I was gonna keep it going for a bit longer but what the hell? Let the games begin😈

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Excuse any mistakes

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