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"Why the hell are you laughing? You have not only lost your eyes but also your mind in the fire" said Reuban annoyed

"No I am certain I have lost only my eyes" the Count said laughing shakingly

"Satan's hairy ass what is the matter with you then?" Reuban asked gritting his teeth

"You can have my daughter's hand. I wanted to tell you this long ago" the Count said

"What? How long?" Reuban asked bewildered

"I think when you walked through fire to save me. Well not for me but for my daughter. That's how long"

"So your were testing me" said Reuban

"No I wasn't testing you. I just wanted to hear it from you" the Count said calmly


"Indeed. I expected you to come and ask it but you never appeared. I thought you had enough time" said count Thomas

"Well. Let's get started then. I have to fulfil you wish right away"

"Oh not that soon. You have another duty"

"I don't remember having any"

"Yes. You have. Coronation of Ayla. I want to see my daughter coronated"

"She'll be a great Liege lady" Reuban said proudly and the Count nodded admitting.



Dilli had hugged Ayla twice to comfort her "don't worry Milady. It's going to be alright" consoled Dilli but nothing made her heart light.

She heard the door open ajar. "Let it be him" she prayed silently

Reuban entered the room. He looked at Dilli and she understood.

"Excuse me milady I have some work to attend" Dilli said and left the room.

"Reuban hold me"

And he did "what's the matter with my Ayla. It's your coronation and you are here chatting with your maid"

"I was not chatting. I know it's my coronation and I'm so tensed"

Reuban saw Ayla's hands trembling. He took her hand and held it tight with his "there's no need to be so terrified Milady. You'll be a passable Liege lady"

"Passable? Is that supposed to make me better?" Ayla said soarly

"I know I have a motivational personality. Don't worry too much Milady I'm always here for you. To be truthful you're a great Liege lady"

"You think So?"

"Yes I do and so does everyone. Now its time shall we make a move?"

People gathered to watch Ayla coronated. Sir Gregor, Sir Rudolfus, Sir Waldar, Captain Linhart and Sir Reuban stood beside Ayla's throne.

Father Jone started loud and clear "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the people of Luntburg, the dominions thereto belonging and the laws and customs of the same?"

Ayla took a deep breath "I solemnly promise so to do."

Suddenly she was not the same girl whose hands trembled and who needed someone to hold her. She was someone else, her body was rigid, her face showed bravery, she looked proud and tall. "That's her my Ayla" thought Reuban

Father Jone continued "Will you to your power cause law and justice in mercy to be executed in all your judgements?"

Ayla's voice was louder now "I will" she said

 "Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the laws of God, the true profession of the gospel and the Protestant reformed religion established by law, and will you preserve unto the bishops and clergy of this Realm, and to the churches committed to their charge, all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain unto them, or any of them?"

"All this I promise to do" Ayla declared

Father Jone held the Holy Gospel and Ayla placed hand over it and sweared
"The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep: So help me God"

People cheered "Long live lady Ayla"

There were clatters and shouts. Reuban saw Ayla proudly sitting on her chair. "The bravest and most beautiful girl who walked on this earth" the words were out of Reuban's mouth involuntarily

"That I accept Sir"

Reuban realized what he said and turned to look at the origin of the voice.

"What do you accept Sir Gregor?"

"Both. She's brave and beautiful" said Sir Gregor not taking his eyes off Ayla

"Did I ask your opinion you logger head?" Reuban growled

"Just saying. I also Think the same Sir"

"I know she's the most beautiful girl and if anyone says different I'll slit their throat but I don't want your opinion. Satan's hairy ass! Don't look at her for more than three seconds"

"Jealous are we?" Sir Gregor said teasingly

"What makes you think that I am besides she's mine"

"Your steaming on the top of your head, your ears are Red and you are gritting you teeth just because I said Lady Ayla is beautiful" Sir Gregor said smirking

"Wait until I have your head on a spike" Reuban raged

"No you will not do that"

"Aye I will not. I will first torture you"

"No not that also"

"What's makes you think that you clay brained son of a toad"

"Because I'm Lady Ayla's vassal. Do you think she'll  be pleased to know that you beat me to death? She'll never forgive you" Sir Gregor said looking at Reuban

"I'm persuasive"

"You're not"

"The birdy loving bastard was right. I couldn't just kill or torture the idiot. What if Ayla never forgived me" Reuban thought to himself

All Reuban was able to do was ball his fist and hit 'the wall'.


Tried so much to make this chapter satisfactory. I guess my brain is too small so I had to think hard.

Hope readers will like it.

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