like all wattpadders I love reading  books sooo much.. I just don't read I live the life when I read them and have bookhangovers when I complete them. I prefer books were women are protagonists. historical fiction with honour, valour, wars and swords is my type
  • india
  • IscrittoAugust 28, 2016

Ultimo messaggio
apocalypseartemis apocalypseartemis Nov 21, 2016 04:02PM
Hey every1. I've just updated a story which is a fan fiction on Sir Rob's 'the robber knight'Do visit my profile. I'm not a professional writer . This is my first time I've done this. So hope ull l...
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Storie di apocalypseartemis
AMAYA di apocalypseartemis
What would you do if death was the only way to escape from the trap that this life has put you in. Amaya who...
THE ROBBER KNIGHT, AFTER SIEGE di apocalypseartemis
I read Sir Rob's and it was just amazing. I actually lived each and every character in the trilogy. THE ROBB...
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