Chapter 9

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I ran down the steps to get into to room. Shane was in the room bending over Timmy, and turned around once he saw me.

"Weell. Look who it is. You brat! Who let you loose!?" He spat.

"I did! And I'm not gonna let you hirt Timmy anymore!" I said running towards him. I pulled out the knife, and sliced it across his chest. He stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. I quickly untied Timmy and shook him to wake him up. He opened his eyes slowly, and batted them. They got wide once he saw me.

"C-Carol? What are you doing here?" He said, with a dry voice.

"I'm gonna get us out of-" I was cut off by Shane when he grabbed me and tackled me to the ground. He made his way over me, and tried to rip off my clothes. But Timmy pushed him off and they both went crashing onto the ground.

"Don't touch her! YOU LEAVE US ALONE!" He yelled punching Shane in the face repeatedly. I grabbed the knife and tried to stab him, but Shane pushed Timmy off and started for me. Timmy told me to run, and I tossed to knife to him. I ran up the stairs and Headed for the front door. It was locked. From the outside. These bastards had an outside only door! That meant they had a key.

"Get back here you little b.." I heard Shane bark.

I ran back into the kitchen where Selena's unconscious body lay. I checked her pockets quickly but found nothing. I checked her neck to find a silver key hanging from twine as if it were a necklace. Shane towered over me as he drew himself closer. I was still squatted down so I picked up the pan and I slammed it across his face. I hit him until he was out. Timmy showed up through the hallway.

"They have keys to the door!" He yelled.

I dangled the key hanging from the twine and his lips curled into a smile.

"Let's get out of here!" I said. Jake,  was obviously the on in the bathroom taking a bath,definitely heard the commotion, and we heard a door open. I quickly threw the key to Timmy and we ran towards the door. Once we were outside, I felt my heart pound against my chest. My adrenalin was pumped, and I was eager to get further away from the house.

"To the right! Shane's van!" Timmy yelled.

We quickly ran towards it..but remembered one thing. The car keys. They were still in the house.

"The car keys! There still inside!" Timmy said, as if I didn't already know.

"Ugh!" I said.

One of us needed to go back inside to get the keys. One only, incase they didn't come back out and the one outside had to run for help.

"I'll go back." Timmy said.

"Timothy!" I yelled.

He hugged me tight, and kissed my forehead.

"Incase I don't come back out in the next 5 minutes, you leave me you hear! And find help. Take these bastards to prison in honor of you and I." He said and left for the house.

I started tearing up, and hid behind the car. This could be the absolute last time I see Timmy. And this time for real.

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