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AN:// au inspired by nayx or tumblr. When you wake up at ungodly hours your soulmate is thinking of you. Gabe Saporta and William Beckett. SFW also If anything is incorrect language wise I am fluent in a few languages so if a word seems out of place I may not have checked if everything was in English...Also this is cheesy and shitty its 3 am.

Gabe, no matter what people classified him as, was never awake at 3 am. Never. He did like to party, that was a fact he could proudly admit, but he was always passed out by 3 am.

He had several theories why he had woken at such an ungodly hour, most spurring from random tumblr posts his friends linked him to to scare him off from sleeping. One, which was especially unnerving, involved someone staring at him whilst he slept.

"Oh joder," he whispered glancing about the room checking the dark corners for a phantom of any sort. " Why do I still open those links?"

He ran over several other theories in his head after scratching that off of his sloppy fake list. He had come to a conclusion that there had to be a reason he was awake. Gabe Saporta did not wake up at 3 am for no god damn reason. It wasn't because he had a bad dream, no. His dream was actually quite wonderful if not a bit odd.

Gabe grabbed his phone and messaged the one person he knew would be awake.

Gabe-Hey Bilvy can I call ypou


Bilvy-Are you okay?

Gabe-Sí bello, I am just bored

Gabe heard the ring noise for a second after pressing call before he heard Williams voice answer.

"Gabe are you okay? Why are you awake? Bad dream?" Gabe chuckled.

"Yes, I don't know, and no actually my dream was pretty damn good. I have no idea why I'm awake."

"I heard a theory. well found it actually, that if you wake up like that-"

"I already checked for people creepin on me cariño,"

"No not that," William sighed. "That theory that it's your soulmate thinking about you." Gabe sighed.

I wish it was you, thinking about me. But it was him.

"I doubt anyone loves me like that hermoso." Gabe chuckled. The line was quiet.

"Who knows. It's just a theory. Besides I bet loads of people think about you."

"Not for love. It's cause I'm sexy" Gabe joked. He heard William's quiet laugh on the other end.

"That you are, Gabe Saporta. That you are." William trailed off.

"Were you thinking about me? I bet you were. I'm irrisitible." Gabe teased.

"Actually I was." Silence. Gabe's face was definately red.

"I had a dream about you. It was weird." Gabe said after a few minutes.

In fact, Gabe dreamt about William quite a bit.

"Did we do the frick frack?" William chuckled.

"Not this time cariño." Gabe said truthfully. "Anyways I am tired so I'll get going to bed. Buenas noches amor."

"I love you." Silence.

"I love you too."


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