Close your eyes and jump-Introduction

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Close your eyes and jump.

This is my first story on here, so I hope you enjoy!


Love You All<3


I woke up to the sound of my blaring alarm clock, another day of the torture called school was on the horizon. I slipped out of bed and trudged into my en suite bathroom. I turned on my shower and stripped as I waited for it to heat up. Once it was warm enough I stepped in, pulling the curtain shut behind me. I let the water cover my body as I washed myself. I quickly washed my long dark brown hair which fell to my mid back. Once I was fully cleansed, I switched off the water and stepped out. The heat emitted from the shower had fogged up the mirror in the bathroom, so I dried myself off whilst I was waiting. I wrapped the slightly damp towel around me and moved to the now clear mirror. I started to brush through my hair; I parted it to the side, and let my side fringe hang over the right side of my face. I brushed my teeth and washed my face before applying some foundation, eyeliner and mascara. I never put more than that on, I didn’t like it when girls caked themselves in make-up, it  didn’t exactly make them look any more attractive.

Once I’d finished in the bathroom I walked back into my bedroom. I walked over to my chest of drawers and took out my underwear. I let my towel drop to the floor and I slipped into my underwear. I rummaged through my wardrobe and pulled out my dark green hoodie. I took out my black skinny jeans and my black vest top from my other set of drawers and pulled them on. Once I was pleased with my outfit I walked over to my full length mirror and started to straighten my hair. It didn’t take long as it was already naturally straight, but I liked to go over it anyway. I teased my shorter layers to add a bit more volume to my hair and made sure my longest layers were pin straight. Once I’d checked myself over fully I unlocked my bedroom door and walked downstairs.

I could already hear the blare of noise emerging from our kitchen; it was the same every morning.  I could hear my mom yelling at everybody to be quiet, but it never worked. My youngest sister was only 2 weeks old, and mom was still seriously stressed after her pregnancy. Her name’s Maisy and sure, she’s cute, but she never shuts up. I’m awake all night as the nursery is next door to mine and she screams the house down at the slightest noise. She has a few light blonde tufts of hair, but she still looks quite bald. Her skin is still a pink-ish colour, but hopefully it will become tan like most of my family’s.

Then there’s the second youngest, and the brattiest,Hollie-Ann. I think that she assumes because she has a double barrel name that she can become the boss of the house, or at least that is how she acts. She has dirty blonde hair which has recently been cut to shoulder length. She is very much a sheep in the fact that she follows the crowd. She’s fortunate enough to take after mom so she has beautiful soft tan skin, which she often rubs in as I am the complete opposite, being practically white. She’s small for her age, which gets her out of chores and gets them put onto my list. She has to have control of everything, if she doesn’t she will throw a fit, and that unfortunately happens a lot.

My closest sibling is my thirteen year old sister; Charlie. She’s really smart, and is often picked on because of it, but she never lets it get to her. I admire her for being an individual, which is more than I can say for most girls I know. She also has shoulder length blonde hair, but she is pale like me. She tends to stay quiet and not get involved in the usual family arguments, she’s wise for her age.

Then there’s me, Sadie. I’m seventeen, and my mom was determined after me, she would have no more children, but that soon changed when she met her new boyfriend.  I’m pale, and I have naturally blonde hair, which I have now dyed a dark brown as I thought it would suit me better. I’m tall and slim, apparently I take after my dad, but I never got to meet him properly as he died when I was a toddler, ever since mom has just floated between boyfriends. I’m  the musical one in the family, and I tend to cause a lot of arguments accidently, but my older brother, Jack always backs me up.

The oldest sibling is Jack, the only boy in the family, well, I suppose he’s a man now. He’s nineteen and lives with his friends in his Uni, but he always comes home to visit. He takes after dad as well, he’s pale, but has dyed his hair black. I’ve always looked up to Jack, as he stuck by me through everything. It used to upset me when mom would come home with a random man when I was younger, so he used to let me sleep in his room. When he’s home he is the one who calms me down and makes me feel better. He’s definitely special to me, despite us having our arguments now and again.

And then there’s my mom. She’s 35 now, she had Jack at 16, and she said he ruined her social life. He always shrugged it off around everybody else, but I knew he felt differently. She was attractive, I suppose, but she’s no good at commitment. She’s a good mom, and she does what she can, but in all honesty, that’s not a lot.

I don’t have much to say about my dad, apart from the fact I’ve got one picture of him hidden in my room. Mom made us take them all down, she used to find it hard to look at me and Jack because we reminded her of him. Now she’s passed that, but she still finds it hard to see pictures of him, so we had to hide them all.

And that’s my messed up family that I have to deal with every day. I love them all, but sometimes I’d quite gladly move out.  But it doesn’t end there, I have to go to school and put up with all the gossip and fighting there, as does every teenager.  Unfortunately, I’m pretty much enemies with the popular girl, as she saw me and her boyfriend talking and assumed I was flirting. Her name’s Meygan, and her boyfriend is Redd. Even I admit, he is gorgeous, and we used to be best friends until she got involved, and it’s all been downhill from there.

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