Ways to cope so examples to handle with to foster kids of all ages.
My name is Saffron I am a care kid I spend all my time with different types of families. I recently found a family that chose me and loved and cared for me for several years and suddenly broke down. I found my true love tall dark and handsome man was called Joey who Is 16 They had a meaningful Relationship but somebody tired their hardest to break them up but they are so strong and got though it together Saffron was a huge party animal and she likes a to have a decent rave and it came to chirstmas it is her favourite time of the year and she loves her family dearly. Saffron is a church member she commits some Sunday mornings. She had a brother she recently got in touch she also got in touch with her mother is not a church member the daughter which is called Saffron and thier relelatoinship is getting stonger everytime when we see each other everyone has thier up and downs but the main thing is you all need Need to know to try and get on the household. The dad is out of the picture and never meet him social workers are good and bad she finds it very hard to talk to careers she has made lot of friends though the hard times they have been though the good and bad times
Anyone can be a father but if takes someone special to be a dad.
Family don't always mean blood it means someone to hold your hand when you need it the most.people need to know that are in care all have some sort of background but it is learning to accept it for what is
You are never on your own.
Don't let anyone put you down as a person always stay strong you will go so far in life