Chapter three

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   When you finished setting your laptop up, you went to chrome and YouTube, what will you find?...

  'OMG!! These boys are so cute, especially the one that winked in this MV!(爱出发)' You thought to yourself, and just can't stop the grin that was spreading on your face. 'Oooh, what's this? Happy camp? As long as it's them, I'll check it out.' You clicked on it, you couldn't help but smile as you watch the whole thing. While Roy(I'm too lazy to write their actual name) was playing the basketball, he was really cute and adorable, and when he smiles, your heart flutters. Then you skipped to the part that has them playing a game. You were laughing so hard that your parents heard downstairs, but they didn't come to interrupt you. Lastly, you were really surprised at how fast the TFboys can swim. You laughed the whole way through, after that, you decided to listen to their songs.  

  Suddenly, you realized that your phone was vibrating. You grabbed your phone and saw Christy texting you seven times.

  You: Sorry, Christy, I was just watching something on youtube. It's a Chinese band with three really talented and charming boys, they are called the TFboys.  

  Christy: Thank goodness! Ages have gone past, what in the world has got you so interested? I'll search them on youtube too sometimes.

  You: You really should! I think I'm their fan in just that one hour. I guess I sort of like Roy and Karry a little more than the other one.(It's just something for the later chapters)

  Christy: But aren't they Chinese? Why do they have English names?

  You: People can have English names even if they are Chinese.

  Christy: True, I have to go shopping now, bye.

  You: OK, bye.

  "Honey! It's time for lunch!" Your Mom called beside your door. 

  "Okay, Mom." You replied and ran downstairs since you got hungry.

  "So, did you enjoy what you found on Youtube?" Your Mom asked. "I heard you laughing upstairs."

  You blushed a bit, and said, "Well, I guess I did like what I found on the internet. But come on, let's eat lunch, I'm hungry."   

-----TIME SKIP(I couldn't decide on what lunch they should have) ----

  After lunch, your Mom walked with you upstairs, which was strange because you usually only walk to your room by yourself. "So, which one of them did you like? Roy, Karry, or Jackson?" Your Mom whispered to you. 

  You stared at your Mom yet again today. "Mom?! Well, to be honest, I actually like Roy and Karry more than Jackson." You said. 

  "Just tell me one, do you like Roy more or Karry more?" Your Mom said with a smile.

  "Umm, I like Roy better than Karry... But still, don't make me pick! I like all members of TFboys." You said, and then mumbled, "maybe I like one of them more than the others." 

"What's that? I didn't catch it." Your Mom said.

   "Nothing." You said.

  "Alright, tell me if you need anything." Your Mom said. You just nodded and closed the door to your bedroom. After that, you just watched clips on your new laptop and did some of your homework even though you won't be going to school here anymore. You held back tears as you thought of the happy times you spent with Christina. And the doubts you had in yourself when you go to Chong Qing.

----------------------------------------------TIME SKIP------------------------------------

  You finished showering after dinner and went to bed early. "Sweet dreams, Hon." Your Dad said to you. You just smiled as you thought of today. Happiness and sadness mixed together as you fell asleep.

A/N: I will be updating again soon :)  Tell me if you think there were too much time skips. And plz vote or comment. 😉

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