Chapter 14

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A/N: Yay! I'm happy cause TFboys got a reward from the Weibo night thingy. There's a picture up there👆👆

(Roy's POV)

  I sat there, scolding myself and making a note in my head to scold Karry later. 'Jeesh, I was so stupid!' "Um, Roy? It's time to eat dinner." I was startled, and looked up to see (Y/N) standing at the door but unwilling to make eye contact with me.

  "Oh okay, I'm coming." I replied, getting up. She turned and walked downstairs, going very quickly. 'Great, now I made her uncomfortable around me.'

  I took a bowl of rice and sat down next to (Y/N), (Y/N)'s father nowhere in sight.

  "Roy! Dear, you are way too skinny! Here, try this, this is my special dish!" (Y/N)'s mother placed a plate of meat and potatoes in front of me. 

  "Thank you so much!" I smiled, and tried one. "It tastes delicious!"

  "Eat more if you think it's delicious!" (Y/N)'s mother beamed at me. I smiled back. I glanced at (Y/N), her hair is falling over her shoulder, tucked behind her ears, I stared at her, she was beautiful and adorable when she eats. Then, as if she sensed me looking at her, she looked up at me, and I averted my eyes and swallowed a mouthful of rice. 

(Y/N)'s POV

  'It's so awkward...' I ate as fast as I could. "I'm done!" I said, standing up and putting her dishes in the sink. "Mom, do you need help washing the dishes?" I asked even though I knew we had a dishwasher. 

  "Honey, it's fine, I'll put them in the dishwasher." My mother said.

  "I'm done too, thank you for the dinner it's amazing." Roy said walking over to us. I stepped sideways to not block is way, or in other words, stay away from him.

  "You'll welcome, Roy! (Y/N), why don't you talk with Roy for a while?" WHAT?! Well, I guess I have to tell Roy that I like him, I can't stand not being able to look into his starry eyes... 'WAIT, HOW COULD YOU THINK LIKE THAT, (Y/N)?!' 

  "Okay, come on." I started walking to my bed room, and I heard Roy behind me, I opened the door and gestured for him to come in.

Roy's POV

  I walked in (Y/N)'s bedroom and (Y/N) closed the door. This is my first time in a girl's bedroom, I blushed, and focused on (Y/N). She took a shaky breath and started saying...

  "Well, actually Roy, I wanted to confess that I feel the same way about you as you about me." 

A/N: Cliffhanger! I've been busy from schoolwork lately but I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

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