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Some of you may recognize this, some may not. I've posted this up before but took it down, but obviously i've decided to repost it! So I hope you all like it! :)

Happy reading!

Kat :)


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Don't Puke, Alisha.

That was all I could think as a large puff of smoke hung around the rooftop. I listened to the sound of our classmates scurrying  off to their classes as the last warning bell rang, echoing throughout the courtyard.

It was like this every Friday. We'd ditch class and come up to the roof to smoke a few cigarettes. I don't know whose idea it was, I assumed it was Cody's, but considering how much time Jericho and Jessica spend on the school roof, I can only guess they decided to share this place with the rest of the group.

It was nice to be a part of a group. Granted, I was the newest addition, but they made welcome. Well, Blake, Jericho, and Jessica made me feel welcome. Quinn never liked the idea of a new addition to the group; she liked it just the way it was. Just the five of them. However, she couldn't go against what Cody wanted; and apparently he wanted me to hang out with them.

So that's how I got on the rooftop every Friday during my senior year. 

The good thing was, we never got caught. We'd always wait until the security guard, Vince, took his weekly 'drink break' in the janitors closet. Which in turn  gave us free range of the school. 

A small gust of wind sent a shiver down my back. I pulled my small black jacket tighter around my small frame. I was seated on the large metal box of the generator, next to Blake. I clutched a cigarette between my wiry fingers and brought it to my slightly parted lips. Smoke filled my nostrils and lungs, almost making me gag. I had to clench my jaw to refrain from puking. 

I was still getting used to the smell and taste of it. Even after a few months of smoking, I still couldn't handle the taste. The thought of smoking never came to my mind until I met Cody; he and his friends took me into their group of misfits and I guess moking was just something that came with the territory.  

It started out with me always refusing whenever Jessica or Blake would offer me a smoke. It wasn't until a couple of months ago, when the word "No" had lost it's meaning to me that I finally gave in. So, when Blake reached out, a cigarette between his pointer and middle finger, I didn't say no. And I haven't said no ever since.

"Hey, Alisha!" Jessica called to me from Jericho's arms, her usual pink water bottle settled between her pale thighs. "You gotta light? I forgot mine at Cody's last night."

I dug into my pocket and pulled out my light blue lighter; the one that Blake had given me when I first started smoking. I tossed it to her but Jericho intercepted it and causally flipped it open and light Jessica's cigarette for her. 

"Oh, nice catch!" Jessica squealed with admiration as she watched her cigarette get lit.

"Yeah, very smooth, Jericho." Quinn said in her sultry voice. You could almost hear her eyes rolling at them. She was seated at the other side of the generator, kicking her long feet out. Her long black hair flowing around her heart shaped face as she laid down, without a care in the world.

Jericho simply shrugged. "Well, I'll do anything for my baby." And then he proceeded to plant his lips on Jessica's, in a hungry kiss.

This happened often. Jessica and Jericho were always tied at the lips and if they weren't; they were at least touching in some form. Holding hands, or waist, or shoulders. It was a little strange to be around them at moments like this; when they are making out like they are the only two people in the world, but you get used to it.

"Hey, Quinn," Blake said as he played with my hair, twirling it between his fingers. "Speaking of people making out; where is that boyfriend of yours? Did he finally decide to go to class today?"

But before Quinn could answer, a loud voice cut her off.

"Not on your life, Blake," Cody's voice called from the other side of the roof. We all looked over in that direction and by the door stood Cody with a scrawny, red headed boy. 

I automatically recognized him from my biology class. He sat two seats in front of me. We never talked to each other or anything. He was more of the type to sit at the front of the class and answer questions, while I'm trying hard not get noticed, which was easy for me.

I found it natural to blend in with the plain walls of Aveston High, because nothing about my overly large black sweatshirts and skinny jeans made me stand out. Unlike all the other girls at Aveston.

The small red headed boy stood wide eyed, gazing at each of us. When his pale green eyes met mine, he stopped and held my gaze. His eyes held a fog of terror that made me shiver.

What was John doing here? 

"Johnny Boy, here, wants to hang out with us." Cody announced shoving John forward, who tripped over his long legs and fell face first into the cement roof top. When John lifted his face up, I saw a long, red scrape across the side of his face. 

I winced at his pain.

"Really? And what makes him think that we wanna hang out with him?" Blake laughed as he  shifted his legs from around me and was now up and walking around, eyeing John's tiny body.

"I don't know." Jericho said, who at some point unlocked his lips from Jessica's and was now standing up. He scratched his chin which was growing a sad little beard. "Maybe he should prove himself to us."

"Oooo! A test!" Jessica shrieked as she clapped her hands. 

"I hate wannabe's." Quinn retorted, leaning back against the generator. She closed her eyes as if this could put her to sleep.

I looked back at Johnny who was looking up at them with fear spread across his freckled face. I couldn't help but feel bad for him. 

"Please," John stuttered. "Let me go."

"Please," I whispered to myself. The only one who heard me was Quinn who just shrugged.

"Leave?" Cody asked, yanking John to his feet. "But, the party has just begun."


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