1. Scott

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this was previously a one shot but some people commented urging for a part 2/book and I realized I really liked the idea (: So, without further ado! Enjoy!!!


Mitch is spending his night in the small coffee shop, typing away on his laptop. He has a lengthy paper due within the next few days.

His focus is wrecked, though. He always comes to this coffee shop for the delicious brew. It's a fairly quiet place, too. The only sounds coming from quiet chatter or those brave enough to take on the open mic.

He's getting past the first page, his coffee already empty when he's forced to look up. 

The most lovely voice sings quietly at the mic, his blonde hair falling in his face as he stands over the mic stand. He looks nervous, hesitant almost, but the music just pours from the blonde, and Mitch is completely halted by it.

The lyrics don't really register in Mitch's brain, too occupied with the smooth melodic tones. He's got a keyboard with him, and Mitch thinks he looks pretty cute hunched over it.

He shakes off his thoughts, his sudden fixation with the blonde beauty, and returns to his paper. His fingers type away quickly, the sweet melody a good companion to the dreadful work.


He goes there often, Mitch realizes.

It's weird when he notices it. He had never seen the tall blonde before that one day, but now it seems that they are always at the coffee shop at the same time.

Mitch doesn't have any reason to complain, really. The guy isn't hard on the eyes, at all, and his voice is absolutely hypnotizing. He likes listening to it as he works.

He tells himself that he'll gather the courage to talk to him eventually.

He doesn't.


Kirstie comes with him sometimes.

She likes coffee and always loved the environment of the little shop. Mitch agrees it's charming.

However, he realizes all too late that they haven't been at the shop together since the blonde boy started showing up.

It's when they're talking, of course, comparing notes from one of humanities courses when the tall boy shuffles onto the small stage with his keyboard. Kirstie notices Mitch's focus shift to the singer.

"Do you know him?" She asks.

Mitch is thrown off, their conversation previously consisting of class-talk. "What?"

"The guy singing," she gestured toward the stage, "do you know him?"

Mitch shakes his head, "no. Why?"

"You literally just zoned in on him as soon as he showed up." Kirstie shrugs, taking a sip of her coffee as she angles herself to see the performance.

"I don't know him."

"Shame," she smiles. "He's real hot."

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