7. Moment

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Sorry for the long wait! Hope ya'll enjoy!


Kirstie invites him to her house party.

It's not really his scene, never has been. He gets nervous around crowds of strangers, and it is only heightened in the setting, where it's likely that he'll be frequently approached by random men trying to make a move. He normally doesn't want their advances, but it never seems to stop them.

Mitch agrees, nevertheless, because he feels a bit guilty for dropping off the face of the earth the past week or so. He has only really kept in contact with Scott, and even then, the words exchanged through texts were minimum. His friends understood, though. It wasn't unlike Mitch to go through several rough days, in which he barely had any energy to function, let alone set aside time to hang around with others.

So, he goes to the loud party because he misses Kirstie, and because he is pretty sure she would have broken down his door and dragged him there if he had tried to bail on her.

When he arrives, he expects to see a few people there - it's obvious that her boyfriend would attend, and he sees a few friends that she tends to be around or invite to other occassions. Who he doesn't expect to see is the tall blonde standing right near her, laughing along to something she says as if they have been friends since they were little.

Something makes him feel a little on edge, watching as his best friend and his - crush? Was that what he was calling Scott now? - his Scott get along, laughing and talking, and generally not paying much attention to him. He feels like an outcast, and he doesn't think he likes it.

Jeremy flashes a smile at him, hovering by Kirstie. His look causes Kirstie to finally glance his way, and she looks very excited, waving him over enthusiastically but walking toward him anyway, not having enough patience to wait for him to walk over himself. Scott and Jeremy follow behind her, and Mitch feels his heart rate pick up as they all get closer to him.

"Mitchy!" She squeals when she's finally wound her way through the crowded room. She gathers him in a tight hug. "I'm so glad you came."

He simply smiles, hugging her back.


The whole night remains uneventful, for the most part. Mitch doesn't know very many people aside from Kirstie, her boyfriend, and Scott. Kirstie spends the night hosting, mingling with her guests, which overall leads Mitch to find a more secluded area. He doesn't expect her constant attention, and he isn't bitter about it.

After polite greetings, Scott and Mitch seemed to part. Turns out Scott is more of a social butterfly than Mitch - surprise.

For the most part, it all forces Mitch to sit off to the side, nursing a fruity drink concoction in hand. He doesn't remember what it's composed of, only remembers that Kirstie said he would like it and proceeded to pour it for him. He likes it.

He scans the room, people-watching at this point, in an attempt to either find someone to connect to or, at the least, entertain himself. The party scene isn't his thing, and it's becoming painfully obvious.

Mitch's eyes land on Kris. He's surprised to see him here, didn't know that he and Kirstie were even friends. He contemplates approaching him, almost even decides against it considering their weird dynamic together, but he goes for it anyway. Kris looks lonely, surprising considering his fucking super model looks, and Mitch always has fun around him.

"Mitchy!" Kris calls, extending his arms out from his position in the loveseat. "I haven't seen you in forever."

It's true, they haven't been together since their last party together that ended with both of them tongue-fucking in some person's bedroom after Mitch's loneliness was at its peak and Kris was done with the consistent rejection he had received that night.

"I know," Mitch smiles at the memory, plopping down into the spot next to Kris. He's immediately is pulled into Kris' side.

"Listen, you look like you need a nice, good fuck tonight."


"Hear me out - okay," he laughs, "you need a man tonight and, lucky for you, I know your type."


Mitch is glad he's at least with Kris. The night is full of Kris trying to hook him up with random guys, pointing out unashamedly at how he totally needs to be filled by several different gay men at the party.

It's when Kris insists he needs a refill and drags Mitch along with him that things get really interesting.

They push their way into the small kitchen, Kris leading the way. They're almost through the crowd when he stops, Mitch missing a beat and running right into the back of his friend.

"What the-"

"Fuck," Kris breathes, "Mitch you have to fuck him. If you don't, I promise, I will."

"Who?" Mitch peers over his shoulder, scanning the room for who Kris could possibly be referring to.

"Him," Kris points. Mitch follows in the direction his finger is pointing, eyes landing on Jeremy.

"I can't fuck Kirstie's boyfriend."

"No, not him - tall, blonde, and handsome he's talking to."


"You know him? Damn, Mitchy, how have you not jumped his bones yet?"

"'Dunno," Mitch shrugs, thinks that the gesture will prove a better option than attempting to explain his and Scott's odd dynamic.

"That changes tonight."


Kris makes it his personal mission to set up the two. He's constantly forcing them into conversation, causing encounters between Scott and Mitch. It's all a little weird, Mitch thinks, but Scott doesn't seem to notice. If he does, he's too polite to let on.

It escalates when Kris bumps into Scott while he's conversing with Mitch. He practically slams his entire back into the tall blonde, causing him to stumble and his filled cup to slosh over the side, splattering Mitch with alcohol.

The liquid starts sinking into his shirt, his skin instantly chilled by the cold beverage. A slew of apologies fly from Scott's mouth, his cup being placed to the side as he looks around frantically in search of something to possibly wipe up the spill seeping into Mitch's top.

Mitch is frozen, shocked, and a little annoyed at Kris. His attempt to force them together isn't so subtle, and he glares at his friend as Kris winks at him, blows him a kiss, too. Mitch makes a mental note to deal with him later.

"Shit," Scott mutters, looking around for something. He spots Kirstie instead, grabs Mitch's hand and pulls him along. "Kirst, do you have something-"

"Uh oh," she interrupts, glancing at Mitch. She points to her left, to the hall. "There's washcloths in the cabinet above the toilet - try that."

Scott smiles, tugging Mitch along by the hand and glancing back. "I'm sorry," he says.

"It's okay," Mitch shrugs as he's pulled into the small bathroom. Scott leaves him by the sink as he rummages through Kirstie's small cabinet, pulling out a light blue cloth. He uses it to try to fix some of the damage he's already clearly done.

"I'm so sorry," he says, wiping frustratedly at the growing stain. He's very close, and Mitch knows his heart starts racing when Scott lifts his shirt a bit to rub at the liquid that has seeped through to his skin.

"It's okay."

Scott's eyes meet Mitch's, their faces close. Mitch notices, watches as Scott's pale lashes flutter against his cheek when he blinks. He follows Scott's own gaze, watches as his eyes settle on his lips, watches him swallow when Mitch wets his lips with his tongue.

And it's only a moment. Only a moment when Scott and Mitch lock eyes again and then it's gone, and they're both surging forward, their lips pressing together so softly - despite the passion that's fueling it.

Mitch is kissing Scott - he's kissing Scott, the singer from the café who took his breath away in the first moment they met just like he is now.

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