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Ok! I must calm down and say all of this to Sam. He's just there, converting the magic dust left around me. Hooray! No more dust. But I'm STILL a creature. He said, "You look tres chic even when you're a bird". I cooed "HAHA, SAM". "So, where should we start?", I asked. (I'm lucky he can speak animal)

He decided to go outside to ask his sheep at the middle pen. His sheep knew a way to where Arizzona lives. He asked his sheep (Its so weird that he can speak sheep.) His sheep told him that it was right above their heads. You know where is it, right? At the sky! That's where. That's when he said, "Hey Juanna, you can fly, right? Let's go to Skytopia and ask Arizzona!".

"No way! I'm not strong enough to lift you."

"Please! For a bird like you, you can lift me high up!"

"Are you sure?"


"OK. Let's do this."

I began clawing Sam and started flapping my wings as best as I can. It took like, 30 minutes because Skytopia's surroundings (obviously the sky) gives birds a boost of flying. I didn't knew why but I didn't mind.

"Are we here?", I asked.



"Wait Juanna. Look at that!"

We came up in a mathematical wall. The place was surrounded w/ maths!

"The words say that we must solve this problem to meet Arizzona.", Sam said.

"I hope it's an easy one.", I replied.

The question/problem goes like this:

(5x+2y)-(2x-7y) = ?

There was a long silence. Finally, I spoke up.

"5x-2x=3x;2y-7y=-5y. So the answer is 3x-5y?!"

The wall rumbled. My answer's correct. Wohoo! Here it comes.


It came out w/ loud and soft rumbles.

Soft ones


Loud ones

Rumbling takes forever.

It ended. We saw Arizzona, sleeping.

When Arizzona sleeps, magical dusts sprinkle among us and we slept.


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