Chapter 2

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I can't even describe my feelings right now, it was so amazing to sleep in her arms once again, it felt safe, safer than I felt in years.
The last couple of years were awful, I fell even harder. Taking oxy like it was water, just to stay awake.
When she was in the bathroom I took another dose to calm my nerves and I quickly cleaned everything up as she came back.
Stevie:"answer me this,"
Stevie:"are you still using?"
What..? How did she..?
Stevie:"Ally.. You're still a bad liar"
Ally:"it's nothing major"
Stevie:"yes it is! You don't even get it do you? You are killing yourself!"
We had this whole argument and I left, never looking back. A day past, a week and before I knew it 3 months has past. It took me 3 months to think everything over and say enough to my body.
During this 2 years I wrote silly love songs, stupid sad love songs. I even performed them at a good weekend.
I decided, I'm not letting her slip from my fingers once again. I organized everything, all I need was to get Stevie there, I wanted her to hear my sorry. My only way was Sarah, I only heard of her but she was my chance.
Ally:"I could really use your help"
Sarah:"why should I?"
Ally:"You want her to be happy right? I know you still care about her.."
Sarah:"of course I still care, 2 years doesn't just go away.."
Ally:"than please, just get her there, I'll take care of the rest"
Sarah:"you better not break her heart again. I don't want to be the one who picks up the pieces after you."
Ally:"that's the last thing I want"
At about 9pm a saw her come in with Sarah. I got up on stage Not taking my eyes off of her. She wanted to leave but Sarah convinced her to stay.
Ally:"uhm... Hey everyone, I'm Ally and this is one of the songs I wrote to the girl who helped me see the light in my life, to the one I love with all of my heart yet I managed to screw everything up, twice."
I started to strum the guitar and I sang-
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Cause I'm missing more than just your body
Is it too late now to say sorry?
Yeah I know, I know that I let you down
Is it too late to say sorry now

This is the lyrics to "sorry" by justin bieber. I do not own this song and I know the lyrics throughout the song aren't compatible but I like the chores so fuck it.

Her big brown eyes pierced me until I got off stage, I almost ran to her, to not lose her again.
Stevie:"Ally I.."
Ally:"before you say anything else I just want to say, I'm clean, that's it I'm done. It took me 2 years and 3 months after I left to realize, you're the only drug I need."
She looked at me without saying a thing
Ally:"say something"
Stevie:"I don't know what to say.."
Stevie:"Sarah, could you give us a minute?"
Sarah:"oh yeah, sure sure. Just text me if you need a ride or something"
She left and Stevie took a deep breath before she spoke
Stevie:"I'm tired Ally, tired of getting hurt by you. You left, not once but twice. What's preventing you from walking away again??"

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