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Mave POV.
4 years later.

Today is a big day for me because today is the day get married to the woman of my dreams. Hannah Winters. kidding. its Faye O'Connor. I have been waiting for this day for years for these day to come and it is finally hear. i felt like screaming. I got dressed as quickly as i can. Aaron was my best man yea we sorted out our issues and we were best friends again.
  I went to the church and guess what. we were having a greek themed wedding with all the works but i was wearing a tux.
  i was standing at the alter with Aaron and the priest when i heard the bridal march song. The bridal procession started with the ring bearer and the little bride in the person of my little cousin and her little cute cousin too who looked so cute together. Then the bride maids came in next :Lia ,Brit, Soph and Saphron who were her friends from college in their toga dresses . Followed by Aaron and Jen who were the best man and the maid of honour then right after them came the love of my life in a white and gold Dress flowing around her and i could see her beautiful face in the sheer golden veil .Perfect was just a word till i met her. she walked down towards me and i could feel her smiling at me. she stood beside me in front of the priest and we held hands
  When it came to saying the vows. i read mine off hand " Faye o'Connor ,From this day forward till forever I, Maverick Kincardine promise to love you ,cherish you ,protect you and worship you with my body ,my heart and my soul like the goddess that you are. To be by your side in sickness or in health,for good and for better and probably even best,in riches or wealth till death do us part" and i slid the ring on her finger ad mist oohhh and aahhhs from everyone. Even Jen was crying . Then she said her vows then tje priest uttered the sentence i have been waiting for "You may kiss the bride". He didn't even have to ask twice before i lifted the veil and kissed her like she was oxygen and i was a drowning man.


Fayes pov

4 hours ago
  Panic and Happiness flooded my system as i woke up in the morning of my wedding day . Panic because i couldn't believe this was happening and happiness because i couldn't believe this was happening. i jumped off the bed and ran into the bathroom to have my bath before people arrived.
  I was just stepping out of the bathroom and admiring my dress when Jenson burst open the front door" Hey bride. how are you this morning?"she smiled at me and Lia came after her and hugged me. Just then i spotted something flash in Jen's hand and i grabbed her hand to find a gold engagement bad with a diamond stone on it and she gushed "Lake and i are engaged". At first i paused then i squealed and hugged her "When. where. how. i want details "i pouted at her then she went on and gave me full on info on how Lake had propose during a dinner yesterday and how romantic it was. i was so happy for her. Jor was already 4 months pregnant for Aaron and they got engaged too.

  We didn't have much time for each other before the wedding people arrived and started fussing over me. My hair was let hanging down in curls and my makeup was sparkly since we were having a Greek wedding. My wedding dress was very simple with a gold lace veil . i never knew Jen got my lingerie to go with my dress :lace stockings and all the works. Jen told me to tell Mave that was his wedding gift (can you believe that?). my ears burned from too much information i have today about the first night but we all joked about it .

  When i was done getting dressed ,i looked at my self in the mirror and i become a true goddess. Everyone fussed over me straightening my dress,fixing my makeup ,adjusting the veil to make me look perfect but i decided i looked perfect already . My Mom and dad came in to see their daughter and i could have sworn i saw dad crying .
At last,i was ready to go. My dad held my hands and we were out of the room into the chapel and the wedding march began . i scanned the crowd. i saw lake and Jor sitting together and they waved at me and i smiled back . Mave's parents and his siblings whom i have come to love . Jen's brother who was now dating Andrea. i was surrounded by friends and family . then i looked at the alter and my heart skipped a beat as i saw my handsome man staring at me like i was the pretiest girl on earth. God i love him so much. my dad finally handed me over to him and we held hand in front of the priest while he said his vow which made me roll my eyes at him. then i cleared my throat to say mine "Fr this day forward,i ,Faye O'Connor promise to love you and cherish you, Protect and keep you in health and in sickness ,for richer and for better till death do us part" and i slid the ring on his finger.

  Then i heard the priest say you may kiss your bride ,he didn't even hesitate. he lifted the veil and kissed me till we were both breathless and i knew then that there was no going back .

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