Mave's pov

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    I remember the first day i met Faye,i was running from one of those cheerleaders and bumped into her. First i smelt her perfume and then i saw her beautiful face,i felt that adrenaline rush and i began to flirt with her hoping she would reciprocate but i got a hell of a shock when she blushed hard. As the crimson colour spread across her face so did my heart swell within me. She looked lost so i offered to help, thankful we had 3 classes together .
  The next day,i hurriedly make it to first class with her and i saw her sitting alone thank God. i strolled confidently to the sit next to her and sat down. She looked surprised to see me there and she asked me to move away and i started to tease her and i could feel her riling up already but the teacher asked partners to work sums together,I took that time to scoot closer to her but she took no notice so i poked her and when she turned to look at me that was when i noticed her eyes were the deepest shade of blue one could think of and i heard her ash obviously frustrated "what?" nothing .i just love your eyes. "You are supposed to work with your partner" but she ignored me again and then i poked her again and she whispered "what?" and that caught the class attention and i saw her use her hair as a shield to cover her face . That brought a smile to my face. cute ,way better than hot, i told her sincerely that i liked her shyness and she rebuffed me being cool and all i took it pretty well. it is such a pity class has to end.
  Well rodeo is coming up and am the host which means I have to set up things,i cant lose face in front of the whole school. Yea ,I know what most people think about me that am a playboy but am not but i admit am a flirt. There is a difference, a play uses girls , gives them hope and then dumps them all for his confidence sake but a flirt just plays with the girls, nothing serious. Anyway i heard She was going to be there and i thought about it and i have concluded i don't want her as one of my conquests,she should be like my best friend or something.
   This evening is The rodeo, the crowd start pouting in and i found myself straining my neck looking for her but when she came in she came in the company of Jenson Alistair ;world class gossip and overall bad ass ,don't let her looks fool you, she would eat you alive if she get the chance ,or you hurt her friends;all in all Faye was safe with her. I went to dance with April who has been giving me eyes all night. I get back to where i was playing guardian angel and i saw her crew but i didn't see her or Jenson...not good. so i went to look  for them ,people have gotten raped during the rodeo before but none of that is happening in my house. I found Jenson in a corner pushing a guy off her, she looked really distressed and i pushed the guy off her apparently he was drunk. "Where is Faye" i asked trying to keep the desperation from my voice and i saw her gasp and stumble backwards and i held her and she began to freak out and beat herself up about how much of a bad friend she was but also informed me she saw her going upstairs so i asked her to go home and calm down and i will look for Faye and she looked skeptical for a minute but she made me promised not to touch her at all and with that she left. I ran up the stairs and searched every room encountering drunk teenagers that were doing this they were probably going to regret in the morning . but i finally found her purse in my bedroom with a guy at the door waiting "dude,what do you want"i asked and he smiled " a slut is in there with one hell of a figure-" he leered and he didn't say anymore because no one calls a girl slut in my house. i dragged him out of the room and waited for her to come and when she did boy oh boy she looked as tempting as usual,i suddenly became angry looking at her like that and imagining what the boy could have done to her. "What are you doing here. Do you know that guy. You wanna get raped or something.". As i was yelling,i heard her mumble something about asking me to stop before she passed out and i caught her. I carried her to my bed and took care of her . she was lovely alright ,her lashes were long ,dark and lovely. Her lips were a rich shade of red,her Cupid bow was perfect, i wanted to taste them so badly but instead i curled up against her and tried to sleep.
  The next morning , i woke up to see her in my arms, her legs around and her lips inches from mine. i got that familiar stirring again but i stood up to freshen up. When i woke up, she was still asleep so i went get her aspirin for the headache she will be sure to have when she gets up. As i entered the room,i saw her already up looking around in confusion and i smiled when she asked what i am doing and i took it upon myself to tease her. "You mean what am i doing in my own room?"i smirked and she looked shocked to say the least and she was stuttering and i teased her further " Don't tell me you have forgotten what we did last night" and she zoned out on me. yea,i still kinda feel bad about telling her she was like my sister because i so don't feel this way about my sister and i saw her recover herself and we had small talk and i sent her home with Jen but not before riling her up a little more
    Lately,Jen and Mave have been getting to close for my comfort and i don't like it one bit. I tried to warn her about him but she gave me the shock of my life when she turned all feisty on me. i must admit she looked as hot as hell when she was mad especially when she hit me. nothing more sexy than a girl who can defend yourself . I almost lost herself and kissed her in the closet when i trapped her between myself and my arms but i had to control myself but she went all batshit on me and left me in the closet after yelling at me . hanging out with jen definitely affected her but i still love it. When i tried to talk to her in class, she didn't want to listen. I wanted to just tie her on the table and whip her till she screamed and begged for mercy.  Later that week,i heard she was been pranked but i ran immediately to the scene and she was there with Aaron and Jen was opening the locker and what came out didn't shock me because i have seen it all before. i was April's signature move and i heard her turn and address the bitches with this tone i have never heard before and she threatened them with their lives and she meant it.
Later on, i went to condole her but i ended up kissing her in a fit of anger and i left not even keeping record of what i did but when i left, April cornered me and kissed me when i tried to push her away ,she clung on more. The next thing,i heard were tears and footsteps and i saw her hair so i finally pushed Aaron away from me and ran after her .
   I followed her to the parking lot and i saw her get in her car and rev up the engine .i was planning to get to her car and grab her and talk sense into her even if i have to kidnap her to do it but i got caught off guard when she almost hit me, i moved away from the car's back but then she reversed and faced me and looked at me with that crazed anger in her eyes and revved up the engine again but suddenly Aaron came out of nowhere and knocked at her window and all i heard where muffled voices and suddenly her body went limp. When i got there,Aaron already had her in his arms and gave me the "stay away from her" look and i just watched him take her home.

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