story 1

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At the time I was living with my grandma because my house had just burnt down. I was with my sister she had asked me for some juice so I went into the kitchen to get her some when I realized that I was not sure what kind so I turned around to ask her then I heard what sounded like glass breaking so I turned back around and all of the cupboard doors were open, the microwave was on, the pantry door was open, and the fridge was to. I freaked out and closed/turned off everything and said nothing to no one. Then later that night I heard something outside my window there were no trees by the window because the room I was staying is was right above the garage. I opened the shades to see what looked like a hand print. I asked my grandma about it in the morning and she said that she had an experience one time were the same thing was happening. We had a physic\medium (I'm not 100% sure what the difference is) come by the house and they told us they would clear the house we let them do there thing and after that I didn't have any other experiences in that house.

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