You Ruined My Life

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Hey Readers, thanks so much for starting this new series with me. I promise this one is actually going somewhere. I have for you a little prologue from the mystery narrator. This is kind of in his point of view I guess you could say, but I'll be jumping around between Kennedy's point of view, Luke's point of view, and Ian's point of view. So I hope you enjoy this little snippet I put together, sorry to keep you waiting.


There's a lot to learn from life. And I'm not just talking about your surroundings of Earth, but the people on it. The living breathing people known as life. You sit back and watch everyone pass by and no one sees that they have such a limited time. All of them go on like the spoiled little brats their parents taught them to be. This story isn't about them though; what I want to share with you is the life of Kennedy Freeman.

Kennedy Freeman is an only child, lives with her adopted parents, and cherishes life WAY more than anyone else in this town. She is 17 years old, a bit of a loner, and loves to learn about myths. Kennedy never knew her parents and accepted at a young age that she wasn't living with her real parents. At 15 Kennedy started an animal shelter. She loved dogs, cats, any animal really, something a lot of humans didn't have.

In all her life this girl never had a boyfriend. Guys actually hit on her, though. I mean she's a pretty girl, so I never understood why she never went out with anyone even just purely for experience. Although I probably would've screwed up that relationship somehow seeming as I didn't want anyone with her but me.

Kennedy didn't have any friend's in school, or really around town. She had one friend though. Online she met someone who understood her. They emailed back and forth constantly; it was Kennedy's way to feel almost normal. Now was she ever really normal in the first place? No, Kennedy was one of a kind, special, and here to make someone feel less empty.

I'm sure all of you have felt this once in your life. You're lost and confused, something stops you from knowing what you want in life. People get in your way, break your heart, rip it into pieces. And well if you haven't you're one of the lucky ones.

A lot of responsibility comes with pain. Having to deal with it the rest of your life, and not giving up. You have to live your life the way it was meant to be carried out. If the worst thing you could possibly think of happens to you, we must live on to see why we were meant to go through that. There's always a light at the end of the tunnel.

I can't tell you how many times I've looked in those eyes and seen the girl who was right for me. She's nothing that I would have ever expected to fall in love with. When life hands you lemons though, you want to make lemonade, right?

There was one night, the first night I laid eyes on Kennedy. That light at the end of the tunnel I was talking about? Well she didn't believe she'd ever get out of the dark. Instead of wanting to wait and see if she'd ever get to that point Kennedy decided she'd rather have her life be over than have to deal with the loneliness and hurt feelings she'd been carrying around for so long.

Watching over her for so long I couldn't let her get away with it, then my happiness would be gone. I know it sounds pretty selfish, but I'm saving her aren't I?


That's the end to this little prologue. The next chapter will give you a lot more. There might be questions answered, or there could be something you're still not sure about but in due time I will answer every question.

So this mystery guy doing the narrating...who do you think he is? Angel? Vampire?....I guess there's still a lot to find out.

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