What's Happening To Me

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Kennedy's P.O.V.:

"You know, I never asked for this! I didn't mean to go out drinking it just happened! Having to be this perfect little angel all the time is killing me." Tears started streaming down my face as I yelled at my parents. I'm always portrayed as someone who can't ever do wrong. As soon as I do something wrong everyone turns against me.

Running upstairs I tripped at the very top. Banging my fist like I suddenly gave up was something that I'd never done before. I felt defeat just kind of take over me and I couldn't stop crying.

Eventually I got to my feet and whipped my tears away. I'm tired of being who everyone expects me to be. I've lived like a robot for too long.

I went to my email and saw that I had a new one from Eric. He was always one to change my mood. But when I read the Email: "You need to listen to everyone Kennedy. I know that's hard for you to hear, but they really do know what's best for you. Don't get discouraged that'll just make things worse."

"I thought I could trust you!" Yelling at Eric like he could hear me. "You were my only friend, I trusted you!" I ended up throwing my pillow at my laptop. Half of me wanted my laptop to break so I had an excuse not to talk to him, but another half kept telling me that was a bad idea so I let out a sigh of relief when it didn't.

My mind quickly turned back to my pain and I slowly walked to the bathroom. Taking one look at myself in the mirror I looked at myself and thought "Pathetic". My long frizzy brown hair was a mess, my makeup was all smeared, and my eyes blood shot. This isn't a girl that everyone wants to see walking their streets. My hand reached for the cabinet pulling it open my eyes set on the razor.

Was this what my life would come to? I guess so. Hands shaky as I brought the blade close to skin. I decided one last look in the mirror wouldn't make it hurt anymore than it already has.

That's when I dropped the razor, and I was about to scream my head off. There was a guy standing right behind me. He had spiky almost dirty blonde hair, a face of an angel, and eyes so brown and memorizing. He covered my mouth with one hand and put a finger to his lips telling me to be quiet. I started to breath heavily and thought I might faint. The guy took his hand off my mouth and I whispered.

"How'd you get in here?!" This guy obviously didn't say much because all he did was point to my open window and all I could do was smack my forehead. My next question was asked without looking at him; I didn't look at his eyes, his hands, nothing. "What are you doing here?"

He took his hand and made me look into his eyes. I didn't want to, but then he opened his mouth like he was going to talk. "I," He paused. "I came to save you."

"What?" I looked at him like there was something seriously wrong with him. "How did you know that I was-" He cut me off.

"I've been watching you Kennedy." I started to back up into my bedroom.

"Creep!" I yelled, but still in a whisper like fashion.

"No, listen Kennedy I've been watching over you to protect you." This whole time my eyes were still locked on his and part of me started to believe him.

"This can't be happening. I must be hallucinating or something. Maybe I'm already dead." I started freaking out again and looking at my arms and hands to see if I had already cut myself.

Then all of a sudden I was pushed up against my wall. "KENNEDY!" For some reason I wasn't freaking out anymore. "Listen to me. I'm not here to hurt you I want to protect you for god's sake!" I felt his cool breath on my face and I was actually listening to him.

"Kennedy, sweetie are you ok? I hear shouting." The guy looked like he could hear something that I couldn't.

"I have to go. She's coming for you." He headed for the window and then looked back to me. "Whatever you do. Don't tell her." I trusted him. I don't know why I mean he did break into my room. So I nodded my head in agreement, and he was gone just like that.

My mom came into my room and I was still against the wall. She rushed over to me as if she knew something happened. Mom kept trying to ask me questions, but I didn't answer not even a yes or a no. "Kennedy I know your father and I were hard on you earlier, but lease you need to talk to us."

"Nothing's wrong mom. I'm fine, you just heard something fall." She nodded her head as I walked over to my bed and sat down. Mom kissed my forehead and said goodnight.

I got into bed hoping that I would fall asleep and wake up and this would all be just a dream. But even as I went to sleep that night I felt eyes on me. I didn't feel just one pair of eyes on me though. It felt like more, but I didn't know how much more.

Tossing and turning that night was all I could do. Maybe Eric would talk to me, I thought and got out of bed to go to my computer.

"Eric something weird happened to me. I can't sleep at all. I'm sorry that we were arguing I just didn't know what else to do in that situation."

I sent it and crossed my fingers. This had to work otherwise I'd be done for. Eric answered me right away. He'd never done something like that before, it's almost like he was waiting for me. This whole day was confusing.

"Kennedy, it's all going to be ok. Forget about the argument, and take a deep breath. I'm sure you've just been having such a bad day that things are happening in your head that aren't really happening."

Another peaceful feeling came over me. I wasn't worried anymore after hearing from Eric. I even felt tired and headed back to my bed. No more tossing and turning was done that night. I just wish I had Eric by my side all the time so I could always feel this way.


Okay so I really need feedback on this.

Was that guy Luke? Was it Ian? Hmmm....any guesses? Eric is also an interesting character, I wonder what his whole goal is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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