Chapter 16

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As we were walking, I couldn't help but stare at Y/n. I knew it was creepy, but she just looked so beautiful- like she always does. The moonlight was reflecting onto her e/c eyes, and she was smiling to herself. She turned my way and laughed slightly.

"What is it?" She asked, her cheeks tinted a slight pink. I blushed slightly but quickly fought it back down.

"Nothing." I said plainly, tearing my eyes away from her and walking forward. We came across a stream and a clearing and we both sat next to each other, looking up at the sky which was now full of stars. Y/n grinned and lay back, crossing her arms behind her head and yawning.

"Man." She said. "I remember doing this with you and Gon all those years ago." I nodded and lay down next to her.

"Me too." I replied quietly, feeling for her hand and taking it in mine. "How long are we planning on staying here?" I asked her.

"No idea." She admitted after a brief silence. "I can't stand being out of the city for much longer, though."

"Agreed." I said. We both laughed. "Anywhere's fine with me as long as it's with you, though." It went silent. Did I say something wrong?

"That's... really sweet." She looked over and smiled at me, leaning upwards to kiss my cheek. I smiled back at her and we went back into a comfortable silence. I noticed her shivering- she was always sensitive to the cold. I sat up and so did she in response, frowning at me. I took my jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. She almost immediately stopped shivering.

"Come on, let's go." I stood up and offered her my hand, which she took gratefully and I pulled her up. We started to walk back.

Y/n's POV:

I smiled to myself once again. Today I'd felt the happiest I had in a long time, all because of these couple hours with Killua. I wrapped his jacket around myself, breathing in his scent and sighing quietly. I looked down at our entwined hands and my smile widened.

"You know, for someone who constantly hides their feelings you're being pretty up front about them." I chuckled as he looked up with his cheeks dusted a light pink and just shrugged, giving a light laugh.

"Would you rather I wasn't?"

"No." I squeezed his hand as we walked to Gon's front door. Killua took the key and unlocked the door. We went inside and upstairs. Killua went into his room and, of course, I followed him. He looked mildly surprised at first but then softened again. I climbed into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I felt exhausted. I felt a weight on the other side of the bed, and I knew that Killua was next to me.

"Night." He said sleepily.

"Night." I immediately fell asleep.

Timeskip: morning

I woke up with a searing pain in my lower abdomen. I gritted my teeth and attempted to sit up but had to lay back down again. I looked over to see that Killua was still asleep. I inched my shirt up, grimacing at the pain, to notice that the poison from the other night had apparently just taken action.

"Killua." I said as loudly as I could, shaking him lightly. His eyes immediately shot open.

"What's wrong?" I just gestured to the wound with my head. His eyes widened and he immediately got up and pulled the covers off the bed, running around the bed to kneel beside me. He unwrapped the bandage quickly. I arched my back up and he pulled my shirt over my head.

"That doesn't look good." He said, picking me up bridal style and sitting me up against floor. "But it doesn't look at all like the poison from before. That means...." he turned to look over at the window.

Which was apparently now open.

He cursed under his breath and bit his lip.

"Okay Y/n, this is going to hurt. A lot. But there's no other way to do this. I learnt how to do this last year." I frowned but gave a small nod. I trusted him, and it was spreading quickly.

My eyes widened in shock as he pressed his mouth against the wound. What was he doing? I cried out in pain. I suddenly realised- he was sucking out the poison.

The pain only got worse. I bit my lip to stop myself screaming even more.

Eventually Killua stopped and went over to the window, spitting out the poison and wiping his mouth. The pain subsided and there was no doubt that he'd managed to get all the poison out.

Killua turned and walked back over to me. I took a deep breath as he sat down next to me.

"How're you feeling?" He asked softly. I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm not too bad." I said after a while.

"Are you sure?" He turned to look at me, concern spread across his face. "Y/n, no matter where they go they're gonna find us. And it's pretty clear what their goal is." I fiddled with my hands.


"I'm not going to let anything else happen to you. And I'll stop this. Okay?" He gently wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, catching me slightly by surprise.

"Okay." I said. I looked upwards to him, our faces just inches apart. I waited patiently for him to close the gap. Eventually he did, leaning down and kissing me softly. I ran a hand through his messy silver hair as he tightened his grip around my waist. The kiss started to become more desperate as we both sat up on our knees. Abruptly he pulled away, averting his eyes towards the window.

"Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I asked him confusedly. At this point I didn't really care- I was just craving for his lips and his touch. I tugged at his arm, but he wasn't budging. I sighed and looked towards the same direction, seeing or hearing nothing.

"It was probably nothing." He said under his breath. He looked back over at me and kissed my cheek. "Stay here." I nodded as he got up and walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

I heard it- the noise he heard. It sounded like someone scratching. Or even climbing up the side of the wall. I gulped. I got up, wincing slightly at the slight pain, and moved to the window. I looked downwards and then upwards. I couldn't even sense anything. It was probably just a bird or something.

I turned around to go back to where I was, when I froze in my tracks to see a person standing directly in front of me.



Okay so I'm pretty stuck for ideas on this story but I'm trying my best to finish it lol. hope you liked the chapter!!

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