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I don't know what to put as  a photo on here so i'm just not going to put one..


It only takes me 15 minutes to finish unboxing  the items from the left over boxes down stairs that mom  asked me to do for her. After that i go back up stair to go check on my sister.

"Hey" i say walking in her room.

"Hey, Did you empty those boxes downstairs for Mom? she asked me to do it but i was still unpacking and stuff" she asked.

"Yeah, only took me like 15 minutes, it wasn't a big deal" i said letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh, Sorry i would of done it if i wasn't stuck with all this" she said pointing to the very obvious boxes that were still half full of her stuff.

"It's fine, But what do you think about the place?" i ask.

"I mean honestly i miss home" She said looking down at her fingers, which were intertwined.

"Yeah i miss home too" i said biting my top lip.

"I mean its good to have change? right?" i asked, seeing her look up and nod her head, i could see tears welding up in the corner of her eyes so i went to sit at the end of her bed with her.

"I miss home, I miss Dad, I miss school, I- I hate everything about this!" she said letting all her emotion out before starting to cry.

"I don't wanna believe this is happening Ara, i wanna believe this is some terrible dream that im just having but it's not! I don't wanna pretend that everything is okay Ara! Because i-its not and i-i just c-can't" She said beginning to sob.

"I know Elana!  i know... we just have to understand that this is whats happening and we can't change anything about it.. we just have to get through this together, as a family" i say wiping a fallen tear from  my cheek.

"I-I don't , I-I cant... i have to process all this.." she says wiping her face with her shirt.

"i understand" i say looking at her for a moment before wrapping my arms around her and just embracing her.

"everything will be okay" i say before getting up and leaving her room and going to mine.

After i get in i close my door, and sit on the end of my bed, and just think. I think about how much things are going to change now and just realizing this is how things have to be now and i have to deal with  it, i cant change anything, and i don't wish i could honestly, cause i know that this is just another challenge in life that i can get through and i believe Elana can too.

After about 10 minutes just laying down on my bed and just having a moment to myself, i decide that i should take a shower and just relax myself for the rest of the night. all of a sudden i here a ding from my phone and i go check to see what it is.

Mommy: Hey sweetie i ran into your'e Aunt Hannah i wont be home till later tonight so feel free to order pizza or something for you and your sister since i wont be there to make you guys dinner, love you and see you later hun.

i respond back to her text with.

Me: Okay, i'll just order some pizza for dinner , see you later tonight, love you too.

I put my phone back on my desk and walk over to my dresser to grab some clothes for after the shower. I just grab a long grey long knit sweater, some black running shorts and some burgundy wool socks.

I walk through the hallway and stop at my sisters door and knock.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower quickly then after we can order some pizza cause mom wont be home till later cause she went to go visit Aunt Hannah" i said.

"Okay that's fine, but i can order the pizza  while your in the shower" she suggests.

"okay sure, just get a medium cheese pizza from Papa John's" i said before walking off.

" Okay!" she shouts. 

I make it to the bathroom, turn on the fan, take my clothes off and throw them in the laundry basket, I get in wash myself and find time to quickly shave my legs.

After about 15 or so Minutes i get out the shower, wrap myself in my towel and make my way to my room, Once there i finish drying off and just throw on the clothes i laid out on my bed.

 After i'm all dressed,  i just put my hair up in a pony tail and make my way downstairs to the living room to wait for the pizza, i lay on the couch and go on my phone and open the snapchat's that i missed and most of them just say streak from my friends, some just ask me how the move was and i just get too tired of answering that question.

After a while i decide to just put on some t.v and watch that while i wait, and soon enough after less than 10 minutes the bell rings and i jump off the couch and head to the door.

"Hi" i say with a smile when i open the door, there is a young boy maybe about 16 or 17 holding the pizzas.

"Um 2 Medium Pizzas for Elana Loxx" hes says looking at the receipt then back at me.

"That would be my sister, but i guess im paying " i chuckle a little.

"Okay , well you're total is $27.63" he says chuckling a bit too as well.  

"Alright" i say 

"Would that be Cash, Debit or Visa?" he ask.

"Uh Debit, hold on one second" i say laughing slightly, i run to the kitchen where my purse is and then take out my debit card from my wallet and run back to the door.

"Sorry about that"  i said making him chuckle a bit.

"that's alright" he says handing me the little machine i have to use to pay for it.

I accept everything and leave him a 5 dollar tip and pay for everything, once the transaction goes through he hands me the pizzas and leaves after we exchange kind goodbyes.

I call down Elana and  we dig in piece by piece while sitting on the couch watching netflix shows together, until our mom gets home which is around 11 or so, then after talking together for a while about the night i head upstairs to my room and go to bed.

i think about texting Aiden but i know ill probably just fall asleep while in the middle of a conversation with him, ill just text him tomorrow.


1129 words wow i can't believe i got that much down today anyways hope you enjoyed :))

current song being listen too: 

 Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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